The Theme of Golden Child

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  【Abstract】Golden Child, Chinese American playwright David Henry Hwang’s 1998 work, is a comeback after his M. Butterfly in 1993.There are seldom but only few play reviews on its theme and creative theatrical performing order, instead of literary concerns. This essay will give a thorough analysis from different perspective of views through respective comparison, together with David Henry Hwang’s ideas on Golden Child, tries to have a better understanding of this play through the de-construction of culture and believes.
  【Key words】Golden Child; Wives and Concubines; comparison; progress
  Golden Child, written by Chinese American playwright David Henry Hwang and put on stage in Broadway in 1998, has the immortal theme of traditional Chinese social culture but unlike the stereotyped ones which were aimed to be eye-catching deliberately to meet the foreign tastes, Golden Child shows us its transcendence in involving believes and liberation. The former are usually considered the accomplice of Orientalism while the latter sincerely portrays a family finally got unbound through belief conversion.
  Wives and Concubines, written by Chinese writer Su Tong in 1989 shares a similar culture background with Hwang’s Golden Child, —Chinese traditional family constitution—one husband as an authority in the house, with several wives living together, flattering, quarrelling and destroying. Digging into the two works from their sharing perspectives—marriage, belief as well as destination, we witness something eagerly displayed by Hwang, the assimilation and transcendence, peep out from inside. And that is totally different from what is designed to reveal by Su Tong in Wives and Concubines.
  Themes and author’s views
  The above comparisons have clearly witnessed the two works’ different themes. Su Tong claims his objectivity in creating those women by saying “I just habitually lost my gender in writing instead of what is said of my womanlike spirit”. His purpose is to helplessly reproduce women’s tragic fates through depicting their lives in a traditional styled family. For him, literature is a means of recalling emotions from readers and he has never had the thought of evoking actions.
  However, quite different from Su Tong, David Henry Hwang wrote this not only for retelling a family story but also making clear his identity as a Chinese American playwright as well as his views upon two cultures. His depiction of women is not for showing pity but for claiming the release of human heart in pursuit of liberation. The seeming tragedy actually implies a hope and goodwill. His work deeply touches some Chinese Americans in self-defining and moves some Americans to give up the previous cultural bias.   In an interviewed collected by Bonnie Lyons, David Henry Hwang makes himself clear about his intension in Golden Child. He hopes that the play could be “an anti-fundamentalist play in the largest sense” for he is definitely “against any belief system that casts things in black or white”. Golden Child is a play about “messiness of change”—religious conversion, and displays the degree to which change destroys people but “is somehow necessary”. Widely speaking, Hwang admits ancestor worship an extension of Confucian belief system, which would better illustrate the conflict in major characters’ minds.
  Golden Child precisely speaks out Hwang’s mind. In the interview he frankly says that “although I’ve turned away from fundamentalist Christianity, I can’t stop hearing those voices—there’s still part of me that believes I’m going to Hell. I sometimes think of this play as another form of ancestor worship. I’m conjuring up the ghosts of my ancestors in my own mind and trying to reconcile myself to them.” His words vividly claims contemporary Chinese Americans’ minds. In producing this play, Hwang is able to feel a connection to his ancestor.
  All the above is unique in Chinese American writings and when we look back to the previously comparison, a transcendence comes into existence. When comparing with Chinese literature, we discern their distinctive blossoms dating back to the same root. To some extent, Golden Child also proofs the worth of the existence of Chinese American writings and the story of cultures—their differences, conflicts, assimilation and transcendence, is an endless The Arabian Nights shining in world literature.
  [1]Hwang,David Henry.Golden Child[M].New York:Theatre Communications Group,1998.
  [2]Berson,Misha.The Demon in David Henry Hwang[J].New York:American Theatre,vol15 n4(8),1998.
【摘要】评价体系是教学的重要环节,是检验教学效果和学生学习成效的主要的、直观的手段。因此,评价体系要适应时代背景,符合教学目标。目前普遍采用的医学英语教学评估体系仍以终结性评价为主,教学效果不能得到及时的检验,学生在较长的学习过程中没有反馈。针对医学英语教学评价现状的弊端,本文充分利用互联网的优势,努力探索一个符合医学英语教学规律的、动态的评价体系,以期达到评价检验、监督、指导教与学的目地。  【
【摘要】二十一世纪以来,随着我国科技的不断创新、经济水平不断的提高,国际地位也得到了显著的提高。英语,作为当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上使用最广泛的语言,在当今英语风盛行的时代,英语不仅仅是一种语言,还是沟通的渠道的桥梁。学习好英语,为将来能够走出家门,走出国门铺设一条平坦的成功道路。  【关键词】游戏 中小学英语教学 衔接  引言  小学英语是启蒙教育,为初中英语奠定了良好的基础,
【摘要】教学机智是在教学实践中生成的,更多时候是对突发情况和特定情境下形成的临时应变、反应的能力,反映着教育者的教育底蕴和灵活能力。在处理教学失误、学生失当行为、教学环境突变等情况下都需要教学机智。运用教学机智演绎优校课堂,需要正确处理预设与生成的关系、对课堂生成信息进行优效重组、把握教育分寸、提高自身修养。  【关键词】教学机智;优校课堂;英语  【作者简介】陈麟,常州市武进区刘海粟小学。  教
【摘要】本文针对初中英语的自然拼读法进行了分析,并对音标教学方法进行全面阐述,最后分析了两种方法在初中英语教学中的分阶段运用,音标教学方法是相对传统的一种方法,其对于学生对单词读音的掌握有一定的作用,自然拼读法注重字母音形之间的联系,让学生见到单词能够知道读音、听到单词的读音能够认识单词,这两种方法各有特色、优势,使其在初中英语教学中的应用具有重要作用,能够提高教学效率。  【关键词】自然拼读法;
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代对教师的信息技术应用能力的要求越来越高。除了日常教学的课件,教师应该制作一些适合学生自主学习的课件,帮助学生提高学习成绩。本文主要介绍Hot Potatoes软件,探讨如何利用Hot Potatoes制作交互式英语网页课件以及Hot Potatoes在英语网页课件制作中的创新应用。  【关键词】Hot Potatoes;英语网页课件;创新应用;反馈语;HTML代码  【作者
【摘要】对学生进行“听说读写”能力的培养,是初中英语教学的四大内容。对于英语写作这一块,学生的练习较少,导致写作水平不能得到有效的提高。因此,要对写作进行提升,就必须加强其他三个方面的教学,以“听说读”来促进“写”的能力的增长。本文的主要内容是结合初中英语教学的实际,对“以读促写”的教学模式进行分析,找到合适的教学策略。  【关键词】初中英语;以读促写;教学策略  【作者简介】庄清海,福建省泉州市
【摘要】面对当前学生普遍存在的英语阅读能力弱的现状,笔者认为,单单依靠教材来提升学生的英语阅读能力是远远不够的,在这种背景下,英语报刊阅读就进入了我们的视野。本文主要论述了英语报刊对高中英语阅读教学价值,以及学生在进行英语报刊阅读时经常出现的问题,在文章最后提出了通过英语报刊阅读有效解决高中生英语阅读能力弱的几点建议,以期对当前的英语教学有所创新。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学;英语报刊阅读;辅助
【摘要】教学讲究的是方法和策略,在新课程改革的推动下,对于教育教学提出的要求越来越多,教师应当在新教学目标的推动下完善自己的教学方法,优化教学农事,切实提高高中生对于英语课堂的学习兴趣,在英语学习的过程中开拓自己的视野,灵活自己的思维方式,本文以高中牛津版教学为例探究了高总英语的教学模式。  【关键词】高中英语 教学模式 兴趣  一、高中英语激趣教学模式的特点  高中英语在新课程改革的教学下,高中
【摘要】当前,随着我国新课标的实施,对英语教学也提出了新要求,阅读教学作为初中英语教学的重要组成部分,教师一定要给予充分的重视。本文主要针对初中英语阅读教学的困境进行分析和阐述,并且提出相关出路,希望给与我国教育行业以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读教学 困境 出路  在初中阶段,英语是基础教育的关键学科,对学生未来的学习与发展具有关键影响。激发学生对英语学科的兴趣,以及培养学生正确的阅读