以从高岭土提取改性水玻璃和氧化铝精矿为目的。为优化碱浸过程,研究了其中温度的影响。采用浓度[Na2O]为110 g/L的氢氧化钠溶液碱浸高岭土,在液固比为10∶1,反应时间为60 min的条件下,80~120℃的温度范围内进行的试验结果表明:碱浸焙烧高岭土过程中,随着温度的逐步上升到110°C,二氧化硅的溶出率相应地提高并达到最佳值71.0%。与其相应的硅酸钠溶液(浸出液)化学成分:Al2O33.14 g/L、Si O241.0 g/L、Na2O 90.0 g/L、Fe2O30.7 g/L,此溶液可用于改性水玻璃及其它的硅酸盐的加工。同时碱浸出滤渣的化学成分为:Na2O0.2%、Al2O349.5%、Si O232.1%、Fe2O31.04%、K2О0.3%,硅模数为(μSi)1,54。本研究得出以下结论:氢氧化钠溶液碱浸焙烧高岭土过程中,选择性地提取二氧化硅于溶液,而将氧化铝富集于固相的最佳碱浸温度为110℃。在研究得出的最佳碱浸条件下,用氢氧化钠溶液浸出焙烧高岭土可获得硅酸钠溶液和氧化铝精矿。
In order to extract modified kaolin from sodium silicate and alumina concentrate for the purpose. To optimize the alkali leaching process, the effect of temperature was investigated. The results of the tests carried out in the temperature range of 80 ~ 120 ℃ under the condition of the liquid-solid ratio of 10:1 and the reaction time of 60 min were carried out using alkali-leached kaolin with sodium hydroxide solution of concentration [Na2O] 110 g / L : Alkali leaching calcined kaolin, with the gradual temperature rise to 110 ° C, the dissolution rate of silica correspondingly increased and reached an optimum value of 71.0%. The corresponding sodium silicate solution (leachate) chemical composition: Al2O33.14 g / L, Si O241.0 g / L, Na2O 90.0 g / L, Fe2O30.7 g / L, this solution can be used for modified water glass and Other silicate processing. At the same time alkaline leaching residue chemical composition: Na2O0.2%, Al2O349.5%, 232.1% of Si, Fe2O331.04%, K2О0.3%, the modulus of silicon (Si) 1,54. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: Sodium hydroxide solution alkali-roasting kaolin, the selective extraction of silica in solution, and the optimal concentration of alumina in the solid phase alkaline leaching temperature of 110 ℃. In the best alkaline leaching conditions studied, sodium silicate solution and alumina concentrate were obtained by leaching calcined kaolin with sodium hydroxide solution.