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应用光学显微镜、紫外分光光度计和傅立叶红外光谱(Fouriertransforminfraredspectroscopy,FTIR)等技术,对小偃54,8602和小偃81三个不同小麦品种茎秆的形态、解剖特征和细胞壁化学组分与茎秆抗压强度相关关系进行研究.在3个小麦品种茎秆结构的比较观察中,茎秆外径、横切面上不同组织比例以及两种不同类型维管束的数目等参数均有很大差异.化学组分分析显示,小偃81的纤维素含量最高,而木质素含量介于另外两个品种之间.对茎秆抗压强度的分析表明,小偃81的抗压强度最高.最后通过对上述特征的相关分析揭示,茎秆外径和壁厚之比、厚壁组织比例、单位面积上大维管束平均数目和纤维素含量是影响小麦品种茎杆机械强度的4个主要因素.因此,在选育小麦抗倒伏品种时,应特别重视茎秆的上述4个主要特征. The morphology, anatomical characteristics and cell wall chemical composition of stems of three different wheat cultivars Xiaoyan 54,8602 and Xiaoyan 81 were studied with optical microscope, UV spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) Compressive strength of the three wheat varieties in the stalk structure of the comparative observation, the stem diameter, cross-section of different tissue proportion and the number of two different types of vascular bundles and other parameters are very different.Chemical Component analysis showed that Xiaoyan 81 had the highest cellulose content and lignin content between the other two varieties.The analysis of the compressive strength of stem showed that Xiaoyan 81 had the highest compressive strength.At last, The correlation analysis of the characteristics revealed that the ratio of stem diameter to wall thickness, ratio of thick-walled tissue, average number of large vascular bundles per unit area and cellulose content were the four main factors affecting the mechanical strength of wheat stem, Breeding lodging wheat varieties, should pay special attention to the four main characteristics of stems.
忍受 Lawsonite eclogites 在北方 Qilian (NQL ) 和北方 Altyn Tagh (NAT ) 分别地被认出,基于岩相学和矿物质化学。Lawsonite 在石榴石作为包括与 omphacite 和 phengite 共