构建与实施城市公交客车智能化系统是解决城市交通拥堵、交通事故频发、交通环境恶化、环境污染严重和能源短缺的一项有效途径。本文从智能交通系统的高度出发,提出城市公交客车3I系统的概念——智能服务IS(Intelligent Service)、智能管理IM(Intelligent Management)和智能控制IC(Intelligent Control),描述系统组成关系,构建系统体系结构。最后,就实现城市公交客车3I系统的相关关键技术进行了阐述。
Constructing and implementing intelligent bus system for urban buses is an effective way to solve the problems of urban traffic jam, frequent traffic accidents, deteriorating traffic environment, serious environmental pollution and energy shortage. In this paper, from the perspective of ITS, this paper proposes the concept of 3I system for city bus - Intelligent Service (IS), Intelligent Management (IM) and Intelligent Control (IC), describes the relationship between system components and builds the system Architecture. Finally, the key technologies to realize the 3I system of urban bus are expounded.