学校10岁的生日马上就要到了。星期天,我望着窗外,心想:送一份什么礼物给我的学校呢? 我要送一次劳动给学校。我想把地扫得干干净净;我想把窗子擦得闪闪发亮……可是,平时我们的学校就十分整洁,地上没有一片纸屑,窗上没有一丝灰尘……听说,我们的学校早已是“浙江省卫生单位”了。我要送一片绿色给学校。我想在大门两旁种上一棵参天的雪松;我想在操场边上种上一排嫩
The school's 10 birthday is coming soon. On Sunday, I looked out the window and thought: What kind of gift should I send to my school? I will send a job to school. I want to sweep the floor clean; I want to rub the window shiny ... However, usually our school is very neat, there is no piece of paper on the ground, there is no trace of dust on the window ... I heard that our school Already a “Zhejiang Province health unit” of the. I want to send a green to the school. I want to plant a towering cedar on both sides of the gate; I want to plant a row of tender plants on the edge of the playground