在社会经济迅速发展的环境下, 随着人们生活水平的不断提高, 对教育的重视程度也越来越高, 在追求自身文化素质提升的同时, 对社会的改变也尤为敏感。 在信息化的时代背景中, 劳务工作的类型逐渐被网络代替, 很多企业在应聘员工时不仅看重其自身的相关工作经验, 对其文化的背景和程度也比较关心。 本文就当今环境下, 对建筑职业教育及行业接轨问题进行讨论和分析。
With the rapid development of social economy, as people’s living standards continue to rise, their emphasis on education is getting higher and higher. They are also particularly sensitive to social changes while pursuing their own cultural qualities. In the information age background, the type of labor service is gradually replaced by the network. Many employers not only value their own related work experience when applying for staff, but also are concerned about the background and degree of their culture. In this paper, under the current environment, the construction vocational education and industry convergence and discussion.