2004年11月8日,湖南省正式对外 宣布,由“杂交水稻之父”、中国工程院院 士袁隆平主持的超级杂交稻研究在湖南 提前一年实现了800公斤的二期目标。消 息传来,中国石化股份公司巴陵分公司上 下备感振奋,因为超级杂交稻研究试验田 使用的肥料,大部分是巴陵分公司生产的 “芙蓉”牌超级稻缓释/控释专用复合 肥
On November 8, 2004, Hunan Province formally announced that the research on super hybrid rice under the auspices of “the father of hybrid rice” and Yuan Longping, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has officially realized the second-phase goal of 800 kilograms a year earlier in Hunan. According to the news, Sinopec Corp. Baling Branch was very excited because the fertilizers used in the experimental field of super hybrid rice were mostly “Hibiscus” super slow release / controlled release Compound fertilizer