净推荐值(Net Promotor Score,NPS)可以有效量化客户忠诚度,自提出以来一直被视为最流行的客户忠诚度分析指标;但遗憾的是,NPS无法解释客户的忠诚度从何而来。本文指出,任何形式的交易背后均含有五大个人和社会动机;了解推荐者的行为动机,企业就可以加深对客户忠诚度的认识,并利用其中的社会性和关系性因素,改善产品或服务,从而进一步提高客户粘性。本文也在一定程度上解释了,有时候为什么好产品卖不出好价格——你必须考虑客户的购买动机。
Net Promoter Score (NPS) can effectively quantify customer loyalty and has been considered as the most popular indicator of customer loyalty analytics since its launch; unfortunately, NPS can not explain where customer loyalty comes from. This paper points out that behind any transaction, there are five individuals and social motivations. To understand the motivation of recommenders, enterprises can deepen their understanding of customer loyalty and use the social and relational factors to improve their products and services. To further improve customer stickiness. This article also explains to some extent, sometimes why good products do not sell well - you have to think about the customer’s buying motivation.