Qu Qiubai and Yang Zhihua’s daughter, Yi Yi, was an editor of the international department of Xinhua News Agency before his retirement and now lives alone in a famous cultural and celebrity residential area in Nanshagou, Sanlihe, Beijing. The only one who loves to stay away from home, rarely goes to the neighbors, seems to be reluctant to meet strangers. She is happy to have books, photos, piano at home and to meet a few friends at the same time. Although her graceful dance and fashion steps have drawn the attention and admiration of many people, the thin-skinned elderly almost never interviewed by reporters. She seems to be an elderly person who lives in isolation. The three rooms are slightly more open to the one-person alone. In the big sun room, there is a red-brown piano. On sunny days, the sun shone through the white curtains into the house. At this time, the only Iraq will sit on the piano stool, half in the sun, half in the shadows. she was