
来源 :教育革新 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianlanzhijian
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教学内容:《长方体和正方体表面积》。教学目标:①让学生理解长方体和正方体的表面积意义,初步学会长方体表面积的计算方法。②能根据现实情景和信息,通过动手操作、小组合作、观察思考等解决问题的方法,去探求、经历、感受长方体和正方体的表面积概念和长方体表面积计算方法,培养学生的动手操作、观察、抽象概括、探究问题的能力和初步的空间观念。③使学生感受到数学与生活的密切联系,培养学生初步的数学应用意识,并在探究过程中获得积极的数学情感体验。 Teaching content: “cuboid and cube surface area.” Teaching Objectives: ① let students understand the meaning of the surface area of ​​cuboids and cubes, initially learned how to calculate the cuboid surface area. ② according to the actual situation and information, through hands-on, teamwork, observation and thinking to solve the problem, to explore, experience, feel the surface area of ​​the cuboid and cube concept and cuboid surface area calculation method, training students to operate, observe, abstraction Summarize, explore the capacity of the problem and the initial concept of space. ③ enable students to feel the close connection between mathematics and life, cultivate students’ initial awareness of mathematical applications, and in the process of inquiry to obtain a positive mathematical emotional experience.