近年来,小学升初中的竞争愈演愈烈,甚至超过了升高中、升大学的竞争。小学生升入重点初中的仅仅是1/10。人们将这种竞争比作“魔棍”,明知它会给社会、给孩子身心发展带来严重恶果,又苦于无法摆脱它的纠缠。尽管国家教委曾专门发文要求,在普及初中教育的地方要逐步创造条件取消初中招生考试,但社会上对此议论纷纷。不少人担心这样做会助长走后门进重点校的歪风,会导致教育质量的全面滑坡…… 前不久,我(以下简称A)恰好有机会去沈阳进行城市教育综合改革的调查,顺便带着这个问题走访了沈阳市教委的有关负责同志(以下简称B)。
In recent years, the competition for primary and middle schools has intensified, even surpassing the competition for increasing secondary and tertiary education. Primary school students into the key junior high school is only 1/10. People likened the competition to “magic wand”, knowing that it would give the society serious consequences for the physical and mental development of the children and suffer from the entanglement it could not get rid of. Although the State Education Commission has issued a special request for texts, it is necessary to gradually create conditions for the graduation of junior high school entrance examinations where universal junior secondary education is available, but there are many discussions in the community. Many people are worried that doing so would help to push the unhealthy trend of going back to the key schools and lead to a complete decline in the quality of education. Shortly before that, I (Hereafter referred to as A) had a chance to go to Shenyang to conduct an investigation on the comprehensive reform of urban education. By the way, The problem visited the Shenyang City Board of Education responsible comrades (hereinafter referred to as B).