Resistance to Aspergillus flavus in maize and peanut:Molecular biology, breeding, environmental stre

来源 :The Crop Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daliangengbo
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The colonization of maize(Zea mays L.) and peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) by the fungal pathogen Aspergillus flavus results in the contamination of kernels with carcinogenic mycotoxins known as aflatoxins leading to economic losses and potential health threats to humans. The regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis in various Aspergillus spp. has been extensively studied, and has been shown to be related to oxidative stress responses. Given that environmental stresses such as drought and heat stress result in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species(ROS) within host plant tissues, host-derived ROS may play an important role in cross-kingdom communication between host plants and A. flavus. Recent technological advances in plant breeding have provided the tools necessary to study and apply knowledge derived from metabolomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic studies in the context of productive breeding populations. Here, we review the current understanding of the potential roles of environmental stress, ROS, and aflatoxin in the interaction between A.flavus and its host plants, and the current status in molecular breeding and marker discovery for resistance to A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin contamination in maize and peanut. We will also propose future directions and a working model for continuing research efforts linking environmental stress tolerance and aflatoxin contamination resistance in maize and peanut. The colonization of maize (Zea mays L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by the fungal pathogen Aspergillus flavus results in the contamination of kernels with carcinogenic mycotoxins known as aflatoxins leading to economic losses and potential health threats to humans. The regulation of has been extensively studied, and has been shown to be related to oxidative stress responses. Given that environmental stresses such as drought and heat stress result in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within host plant tissues, host-derived ROS may play an important role in cross-kingdom communication between host plants and A. flavus. Recent technological advances in plant breeding have provided the tools necessary to study and apply knowledge derived from metabolomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic studies in the context of productive breeding populations. Here, we review the current understanding of the potential roles of environmenta l stress, ROS, and aflatoxin in the interaction between A. flavus and its host plants, and the current status in molecular breeding and marker discovery for resistance to A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin contamination in maize and peanut. We will also propose future directions and a working model for continuing research efforts linking environmental stress tolerance and aflatoxin contamination resistance in maize and peanut.
自古皖地出人杰。世之智者若闻管仲、包拯为政之贤,当知皖人不可小视也;若识李公麟、黄宾虹丹青之妙,当叹皖之画人亦不可小视也。张洋,皖人也,皖之画人也,岂可小视乎?  上世纪九十年代,吾初识张洋兄于乡间,颇具眼缘。后至其舍拜访,始知其具绘画之才。余见满壁妙品,惊叹之余,难解其功成之源也。后据同村兄长所言张洋兄轶事一则,方稍解其中之惑。  某年春日,此兄长与张洋兄共赴豫之陈州庙会,偶于书肆得见当代某画家
Ⅰ心血管衰竭(有以下一项或多项) 心率≤54/分;平均动脉压≤49毫米汞柱;复发性室性心律不齐和/或室性纤颤;血清pH≤7.24,同时动脉二氧化碳分压≤49毫米汞柱。Ⅱ呼吸衰竭(有