Open mining has the advantages of high production efficiency, low cost, large output, high resource recovery rate, quick out of coal, low material consumption, saving of pit and safety and is one of the development directions of coal mining method in China. At present, there are not many open-pit mines in our country. However, China is rich in coal resources. There are a large number of coal fields suitable for open-air development in the three northeastern provinces, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Xinjiang and Yunnan. In the course of realizing the modernization of China’s coal industry, it will undoubtedly require us to provide more geological data suitable for opencast mining. In order to seek more prosperous and prosperous exploration methods of opencast mines, we compared the exploration and mining of several large open pit mines in Fushun, Fuxin Haizhou, Fuxin Xiuqiu, Pingzhuang, and Yuanbaoshan in Liaoning Province. Summarizing previous exploration and exploitation