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新课程标准指出:“数学课堂教学是数学活动的教学,是师生之间、学生之间交往互动与共同发展的过程。”这就要求教师真诚的学会倾听、理解,多给予学生赞赏和鼓励,大胆放手,创设合理的情境,选择实用、灵活多样的教学方式,将学习的主动权归还学生,让课堂活起来。笔者认为,要数学课堂教学活起来,应从下列几方面入手。一、激发学生学习数学的兴趣 The new curriculum standard states: “Mathematics class teaching is the teaching of mathematics activities, and the process of interaction, interaction and mutual development among teachers, students and students.” This requires that teachers should sincerely learn to listen, understand and give more appreciation to students And to encourage, boldly let go, create a reasonable situation, choose practical, flexible and diverse teaching methods, the initiative to return the students to study, make the class live. The author believes that to mathematics classroom teaching up, should start from the following aspects. First, stimulate students interest in learning mathematics
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