
来源 :生活教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianzhiwangsu
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中职生语文应用能力远远滞后与社会对中职生的要求,具体到煤矿类中职院校,这种情况就更加明显。本文在对206名本校煤矿类专业学生从语文学习的态度、兴趣、方法等几个方面进行问卷调查的基础上,从学科设置、教学观念和教材编写等角度进行了针对性分析与反思。 Secondary vocational students language proficiency lags far behind and social demands of secondary vocational students, specifically to vocational colleges in coal mines, the situation is even more apparent. Based on the questionnaire survey of 206 coal mine majors from the aspects of attitude, interest and method of Chinese learning, this paper makes a targeted analysis and reflection from the angle of subject setting, teaching concept and textbook compilation.
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球花醉鱼草Buddleja globosa Hope广泛分布于智利和阿根廷,其叶传统用于治疗创伤和溃疡,但对其疗伤成分的研究未见报道。作者研究了该植物叶水提取物体外促皮 Buddleja glo
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
每天最后一次打响的铃声最为悦耳,因为它表示放学。同学们欢呼雀跃起来,纷纷快速收拾书包。  “哎哎!”班长蒋雨雯急忙喊道,“今天第五组值日,都别走,留下打扫卫生!”  “啊?!……”第五组全体成员齐声抗议,“啊”字拖得老长,然后便像泄气的皮球,瘪了一圈,一个个软倒下来。  “抱怨什么!”蒋雨雯气呼呼地说,“你们每周才做一次,我天天跟着每组做,我抱怨了吗?”  邹凯大声道:“你现在就在抱怨!”  班长