Cavitation erosion behavior of as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was studied bymagnetostrictive vibratory device for cavitation erosion. The results show that the cavitation erosion resistance ofthe as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy is much more superior to that of the as-cast one. The cumulative mass lossand the mass loss rate of the as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy are almost 1/4 that of the as-cast one. SEM analysisof eroded specimens reveals that the as-cast Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy is attacked more severely than the as-weldedone. Microcracks causing cavitation damage initiate at the phase boundaries.
Cavitation erosion behavior of as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was studied by magnetnetostrictive vibratory device for cavitation erosion. The results show that the cavitation erosion resistance of the as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy is much more superior to that of the as-cast one . The cumulative mass loss and the mass loss rate of the as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy are almost 1/4 that of the as-cast one. SEM analysis of eroded specimens reveals that the as-cast Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy is attacked more severely than the as-weldedone Microcracks Having cavitation captives at the phase boundaries.