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  一、單项填空   (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  1.   China’s__________ to the World Trade Organization in 2001 enhanced the country’s standing on the world stage.
  A. application   B. appeal
  C. admission  D. devotion
   2.  The naughty boy hid himself behind the door,__________  he could hear what we talked about clearly.
  A. where   B. from where
  C. at which  D. from which
  3.  The plan to develop artificial intelligence marks a major step forward in__________ China’s innovationdriven strategy and making it a global leader in science and technology.
  A. carrying out  B. bringing out
  C. picking out  D. setting out
  4.  —Have you been to Lianyungang?
  — Actually, I__________ there for three years and then left for Canada for further study.
  A. work     B. have worked
  C. was working  D. worked
  5.  He started to write his essay, safe in the knowledge__________ he wouldn’t be disturbed for a whole day.
  A. whether     B. what
  C. that    D. when
  6.  Their optimism and willingness to communicate are two characteristics that__________ for their lack of experience.
  A. allow   B. cater
  C. account  D. compensate
  7.  Only when the police showed her the evidence__________  that she had stolen the money.
  A. she admitted    B. she had admitted
  C. did she admit  D. had she admitted
  8.  — Have you decided which subject you’ll major in college?
  —Not yet. There’re three subjects__________ from, but I haven’t made my decision.
  A. choosing  B. being chosen
  C. to choose  D. to be chosen
  9.  If only the committee__________ the new environmental regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible!
  A. should approve  B. will approve
  C. would approve  D. would have approved
  10.  — When you assign tasks to the students,__________ Daniel, for he’s just recovered from a knee injury.
  —Oh, I see.
  A. have pity on   B. catch up on
  C. put up with   D. make allowance for
  11.  Thanks to the efforts in environmental protection, the wetland has been__________ to its original appearance.
  A. restored  B. delivered   C. transferred  D. drafted
  12.  Since the match is over, we can__________ by travelling and stop thinking about basketball.
  A. dive in  B. switch off
  C. pull out  D. split up
  13.  The bus dropped me off and pulled away__________ I realized I had left my bag on it.
  A. while  B. before
  C. after  D. since
  14.  It was announced that only after the candidates’ papers were collected__________ to leave the room.
  A. had they been permitted
  B. would they be permitted
  C. that they would be permitted
  D. that they had been permitted
  15.   — Tom is too naughty and always a troublemaker.
  —__________It is OK as a boy goes.
  A. Great minds think alike.
  B. I can’t agree more.
  C. Don’t mention it .
  D. I wouldn’t say that.
  二、完形填空   (共20小題;每小题1分,满分20分)
  I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn’t like attention drawn to myself. And   16    otherwise assigned (指定) a seat by the teacher, I always   17   to sit at the back of the classroom.
  All this   18   after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team. At first I thought it was a crazy   19   because I didn’t have a good sense of balance, nor did I have the   20   to keep pace with the others on the team and they would tease me. But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “  21   for it”, I wouldn’t have decided to give a try.
  Getting up the courage to go to the tryouts was only the   22   of it! When I first started   23   the practice sessions, I didn’t even know the rules of the game, much   24   what I was doing. Sometimes I’d get   25   and take a shot at the wrong direction—which made me feel really stupid.   26   I wasn’t the only one “new” at the game, so I decided to   27   on learning the game, do my best at each practice session, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didn’t   28   “just yet”.
  I practised and practised. Soon I knew the   29    and the “moves”. Being part of a team was fun and motivating. Very soon the competitive   30   in me was winning over my lack of confidence. With time, I learned how to play and made friends in the   31  —friends who respected my efforts to work hard and be a team player. I never had so much fun!   With my   32   selfconfidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates. I have gone from   33   in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself,   34    raising my hand—even when I sometimes wasn’t and not 100 percent    35   I had the right answer. Now I have more selfconfidence in myself.
  16.  A. as  B. until
  C. unless  D. though
  17.  A. hoped  B. agreed
  C. meant  D. chose
  18.  A. continued  B. changed
  C. settled  D. started
  19.  A. idea  B. plan
  C. belief  D. saying
  20.  A. right  B. chance
  C. ability  D. patience
  21.  A. going  B. looking
  C. cheering  D. applying
  22.  A. point  B. half
  C. rest  D. basis
  23.  A. enjoying  B. preparing
  C. attending  D. watching
  24.  A. less  B. later
  C. worse  D. further
  25.  A. committed  B. motivated
  C. embarrassed  D. confused
  26.  A. Interestingly  B. Fortunately
  C. Obviously  D. Hopefully
  27.  A. focus  B. act
  C. rely  D. try
  28.  A. want  B. do
  C. support  D. know
  29.  A. steps  B. orders
  C. rules  D. games
  30.  A. roles  B. part
  C. mind  D. value
  31.  A. process  B. operation
  C. movement  D. situation
  32.  A. expressed  B. improved
  C. preserved  D. recognized
  33.  A. dreaming  B. playing
  C. relaxing  D. hiding
  34.  A. by  B. for
  C. with  D. to
  35.   A. lucky  B. happy
  C. sure  D. satisfied
  三、阅读理解   (共15小題,每题2分,满分30分)
  Travelling with skiing or snowboarding equipment can be a bit of an effort, particularly if you’re swapping between buses, trains and planes. Take a simpler, more direct route to the four Alpine options on the Eurostar at London St. Pancras International or Ashford.
  La Rosière
  Great ski conditions aren’t a oneoff here, thanks to the resort’s high altitude and its mostly southfacing and therefore sunnyslopes. It’s a family friendly resort and kids will enjoy skiing through the trees and tunnels on adventure trail.   Sainte Foy
  The slopes are quiet, the lift queues nonexistent, and snowy forests and breathtaking mountain views dominate (控制) your eyeline. This resort is not a place to come if you like to party, but it’s a great choice for those who want to progress on wide, empty pistes.
  It is a good resort for firsttime skiers. Those new
  to the sport can book a holiday safe in the
  knowledge that they’re not stuck up a snowy
  mountain if the sport isn’t for them. The town itself
  has a Museum of Popular Traditions.
  It may not be the prettiest resort in the French Alps,
  but what it lacks in cuteness, it more than makes up
  for in convenience, taking the concept of skiin ski
  out to a whole new level. Its highquality snow
  conditions are all but guaranteed.
  Need to know
  You can take one pair of skis or one snowboard on board with you in addition to your standard adult
  luggage allowance. For safety reasons, skis and snowboards have to be kept in a protective case that
  covers the whole item.
  There’s a travel class to suit every budget and style. Though the seats are roomy and comfortable, it’s
  worth nothing there are no sleeper bunk beds. With free WiFi for all, you can stay connected all the way.
  36.  If one is looking for a peaceful and crowdfree ski resort, he will probably choose     .
  A. La Rosière  B. Sainte Foy
  C. Motiers  D. Tignes
  37.   From the passage, we can know that     .
  A.  the Eurostar offers easy access to popular Alpine ski resorts
  B. there is no restriction on wellprotected equipment on board
  C. travelers can have a good sleep on comfortable bunk beds on board
  D. free WiFi is provided on board for travellers who upgrade their travel class
  Huawei Technologies Co. displayed its muchanticipated inhouse operating system Harmony OS on Friday, marking what some call the Chinese tech giant’s biggest push yet to build its own software ecosystem for the era of the internet of things.
  The move is also expected to weaken the influence of the United States government’s restrictions on Huawei using Google’s Android operating system in smartphones, analysts said.
  Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business group, speaking in Dongguan, Guangdong province, said it is difficult to deliver a smooth experience across different devices with the huge amount of codes involved in the Android and Linux operating systems. Linux is an opensource operating system widely used in personal computers and other hardware.   “Harmony is a nextgeneration operating system designed to address the challenge,” Yu said, adding that it will be able to support a wide range of application situations, including smart TVs, automobiles and wearables.
  The internet of things refers to a network of devices and other objects that can connect with each other and exchange data.
  Yu said the US government’s restrictions have accelerated the company’s marketing of the system, which now has about 4,000 employees working on it.
  The senior executive said Harmony can be used in its smartphones. But Android is still Huawei’s preferred choice for handsets if the company is allowed to use it.
  “But when Android is not available, Harmony can be applied immediately to smartphones. Harmony is ready,” Yu added.
  Jia Mo, an analyst at market research company Canalys, said even if Huawei does not use Harmony in its smartphones in the short term, its smartwatches and smart TVs can be equipped with Harmony to widen its use and accumulate more experience in building an ecosystem.
  “Also, more importantly, Huawei chose to build Harmony into an opensource operating system and allow it to be  compatible  with Android. Thus Harmony will be more accepted by current Android users. This will prevent Huawei from repeating the fate of Microsoft in promoting smartphone systems,” Jia said. Microsoft failed to popularize the use of its Windows system in smartphones years ago.
  38.  What is the significance of the Harmony OS?
  A.  It symbolizes Huawei has finished its own software ecosystem.
  B. It may reduce the  threat from US government’s  restrictions.
  C. It will accumulate more experience in building an ecosystem.
  D. It successfully borrows from Microsoft’s Windows system.
  39.  Which of the following may take the place of the underlined word “compatible” in the last paragraph?
  A. Used harmoniously.
  B. Operated quickly.
  C. Resisted fiercely.
  D. Monitored closely.
  40.   Where may we find this article?
  A. Fashion magazines.
  B. TV interviews.
  C. Historic documents.
  D. News websites.
  Sweet potato plants don’t have spines or poisons to defend themselves. But some have evolved a clever way to let hungry herbivores (食草動物) know they aren’t an allyoucaneat buffet, a new study finds. When one leaf injured, it produces a chemical that warns the rest of the plant—and its neighbors—to make themselves inedible (不宜食用的) to bugs. Sweet potato breeders could potentially engineer plants to produce the chemical as an allnatural pest defense.   Plant ecologists led by Axel Mithofer of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, started to look into sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) defenses after they noticed something interesting about two varieties of the plant grown in Taiwan: The yellowskinned, yellowfleshed Tainong 57 is generally herbivoreresistant, but its darker orange cousin, Tainong 66, is plagued (造成麻煩) by insect pests.
  To find out why, the team offered up Tainong 57 and 66 plants to hungry African cotton leafworm caterpillars (毛虫). Both plants released at least 40 airborne compounds as the caterpillars snacked on their leaves. But Tainong 57 produced a lot more of a chemical called DMNT, which has a very distinct smell, the team details this month in Scientific Reports. (“The smell is not nice,” Mithofer says. “You wouldn’t want it as a perfume.”)
  DMNT isn’t a new compound; researchers have isolated (分离出) the smelly chemical from other plants such as com and cabbage, and it is known to induce  defense responses  in some species.
  To determine whether this was happening in sweet potatoes, scientists set up two experiments. First, they put two plants next to each other and wounded one so it produced DMNT. Then, they exposed healthy Tainong 57 plants to DMNT they had synthesized (合成). In both cases, the DMNT caused the exposed plants to produce more of a protein called sporamin in their leaves. (Tainong 66 did not have the same reaction.) When the caterpillars snack on sporamin, “they immediately stop eating because they don’t feel well,” Mithofer says.
  Sporamin is the main protein insweet potatotubers (块茎), and is indigestible raw, which is why sweet potatoes must be cooked for humans to enjoy them. “If the caterpillars could cook it, they could eat it,” Mithofer says. Theoretically, he says, sweet potato breeders could use genetic engineering to make different varieties of sweet potato produce as much DMNT as Tainong 57, and display the same defense responses.
  Still, the research isn’t ready for prime time, cautions plant ecologist Martin Heil. DMNT might work in the lab, but in the field, airborne chemicals can be “blown away in seconds,” says Heil, who studies plantinsect interactions at the National Polytechnic Institute in Irapuato, Mexico.
  Mithofer himself has no plans now to create genetically engineered sweet potato plants, because they would not be a viable (能活下去的) crop in Europe, where genetically modified crops are outlawed. So for now, Tainong 66 will have to put up with being a caterpillar salad bar.   41.   What is the purpose of the experiment carried out by Axel’s team?
  A.  To find out why DMNT has a very distinct smell.
  B. To determine which sweet potato suits caterpillars better.
  C. To find out why Tainong 57 resists bugs while Tainong 66 doesn’t.
  D. To determine what compounds are released when bugs eat sweet potatoes.
  42.   Which is an example of the underlined words “defense response” in Paragraph 4?
  A.  Researcher isolated the smelly chemical from plants.
  B. Com produces a chemical to avoid being eaten by bugs.
  C. Two plants are put next to each other for an experiment.
  D. Caterpillars have stomach trouble when they snack on sporamin.
  43.  The tone of the this passage can be described as__________.
  A. humorous  B. serious
  C. causal  D. subjective
  44.   What’s the author’s attitude towards GM Tainong 66?
  A. Supportive.  B. Objective.
  C. Opposed.  D. Skeptical.
  An introduction to this book is as   superfluous   as a candle in front of a powerful searchlight. But a convention of publishing seems to require that the candle should be there, and I am proud to be the one to hold it. About ten years ago I picked up from the pile of new books on my desk a copy of Sons and Lovers by a man of whom I had never heard, and I started to race through it with the immoral speed of the professional reviewer. But after a page or two I found myself reading, really reading. Here was—here is—a masterpiece in which every sentence counts, a book packed with significant thought and beautiful, arresting phrases, the work of a remarkable genius whose gifts are more richly various than those of any other young English novelist.
  To appreciate the rich variety of Mr. Lawrence we must read his later novels and his volumes of poetry. But Sons and Lovers reveals the range of his power. Here are combined and blended (混合的) sort of “realism” and almost lyric (抒情的) imagery and rhythm. The speech of the people is that of daily life and the things that happen to them are normal adventures and accidents; they fall in love, marry, work, fail, succeed, and die. But of their deeper emotions and of the relations of these little human beings to the earth and to the stars, Mr. Lawrence makes something near to poetry and prose (散文) without violating its proper “other harmony”.   Take the marvellous paragraph on next to the last page of Sons and Lovers (Mr. Lawrence depends so little on plot in the ordinary sense of the word that it is perfectly fair to read the end of his book first):
  Where was he? One tiny upright speck of flesh, less than an ear of wheat lost in the field. He could not bear it. On every side the immense dark silence seemed pressing him, so tiny a spark, into extinction, and yet, almost nothing, he could not be extinct. Night, in which everything was lost, went reaching out, beyond stars and sun, stars and sun, a few bright grains, went spinning round for terror, and holding each other in embrace, there in the darkness that outpassed them all, and left them tiny and daunted(氣馁). So much, and himself, infinitesimal, at the core a nothingness, and yet not nothing.
  Such glorious writing lifts the book far above a novel which is merely a story. I beg the reader to attend to every line of it and not to miss a single one of the many sentences that await and surprise you. Some are enthusiastic and impressive, like the paragraph above; others are keen, “realistic” observations of things and people. In one of his books Mr. Lawrence makes a character say, or think, that life is “mixed”. That indicates his philosophy and his method. He blends the accurately literal and trivial (琐碎的) with the extremely poetic.
  To find a similar blending of tiny daily detail and wide imaginative vision, we must go back to two older novelists, Hardy and Meredith. I do not mean that Mr. Lawrence derives (源于) immediately from them or, indeed, that he is clearly the disciple (弟子) of any master. I do feel simply that he is of the elder stature (名望) of Hardy and Meredith, and I know of no other young novelist who is quite worthy of their company. When I first tried to express this comparison, this connection, I was contradicted by a fellowcritic, who pointed out that Meredith and Hardy are entirely unlike each other and that therefore Mr. Lawrence cannot resemble both. To be sure, nothing is more hateful than forced comparisons, nothing more boring than to discover parallels between one work of art and another. An artist’s mastery consists in his difference from other masters. But to refer a young man of genius to an older one, at the same time pronouncing his independence and originality, is a fair, if not very superior, method of praising him.
  45.  The underlined word “superfluous” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to__________.   A. meaningful  B. unnecessary
  C. fundamental  D. unbelievable
  46.  What is typical of Lawrence’s works?
  A. They equally reveal his genius power.
  B. They contain lots of great lyric poetry.
  C. They present some real living situations.
  D. They focus on relations between humans.
  47.  What does the author want to illustrate by including one paragraph from Sons and Lovers?
  A.  The plot of the novel has little to do with daily life.
  B. It is wise to read Lawrence’s books from the end.
  C. Lawrence is capable of telling good stories.
  D. The language in Lawrence’s books is elegant.
  48.  Who were Hardy and Meredith?
  A.  They taught Lawrence literature when he was young.
  B. They were the realistic novelists of Lawrence’s time.
  C. They were novelists who resemble each other in writing.
  D. They were novelists combining details with imagination.
  49.  According to the author, what does an artist’s mastery mean?
  A. He must have personal diversity.
  B. He must have the critical spirits.
  C. He must be happy to be compared.
  D. He must be a man of genius.
  50.   What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
  A.   To introduce Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers.
  B. To show his experiences of reading classics.
  C. To analyze Lawrence’s writing characteristics.
  D. To compare the styles of different novelists.
   四、任務型阅读  (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
  A psychotherapist once taught me a little trick that helped me feel less angry at my partner and less sad about the failings of our relationship.
  She said, “Look at him and imagine him as a very little boy; that way, you separate yourself somewhat from the adult, and you are likely to understand and forgive him.”
  It actually helped. I couldn’t be as mad at or disappointed by a child as I could be with a grown man. So, at least on some occasions, we were both spared the heartache of an uncomfortable silence or a notsosilent argument. And I sometimes still use versions of that trick whenever I feel frustrated or angry in other relationships or personal exchanges.
  But what if you could mentally change the form of the emotion itself? According to scientists at the University of Texas, maybe you can.   Focusing specifically on sadness, the researchers asked two groups of study participants to write about a time in their lives when they felt very sad. They then asked one group to imagine sadness as a person, and write down a description of the person they imagined would be sadness. Not surprisingly, the participants described sadness in such ways as an older person with gray hair and sunken eyes or a young girl holding her head down as she slowly walked along.
  The researchers asked the other group of participants to write down a description of sadness with respect to its impact on their moods. When asked to rate their levels of sadness after completing their descriptions, the participants who wrote about the emotion itself and how it affects them reported higher levels of sadness than the group that anthropomorphized (人格化) sadness into a specific type of person with familiar human characteristics. The researchers suggest that by giving life to the emotion, participants can view sadness as something (or someone) separate and somewhat distant from themselves, helping them relieve their negative feelings.
  While it’s okay to feel sad, many people behave in unconscious and sometimes selfdestructive ways to distract or “save” themselves when they are consumed by negative emotions. So in the study authors wanted to know whether or not the group that reported feeling less sad would make smarter shopping decisions.
  They tested this by asking participants in both groups to first choose between a salad or a cheesecake dessert to go with the main dish they were having for lunch. The researchers also asked participants to choose between a computer loaded with features for productivity or a computer loaded with features for entertainment. Those study participants who had anthropomorphized their emotions were more likely to choose the salad and the productive computer than those who had simply written about their feelings.
  For obvious reasons, then, they say this technique is best for reduce negative emotions.
   五、書面表达  (满分25分)
  61.   请阅读下面短文,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
  Editor’s note: China is the top country of origin for international students in the US, with more than 274,000 Chinese students reportedly accounting for 31 percent of all international students at US universities.Many Chinese parents save up a lot of money for their children to pursue an overseas education. Is it worth spending big to study abroad? You are welcome to leave your comments.   Arsa (Russia): I went to study abroad when I was 17. First year was a total waste as I met plenty of Russian students in my college and we spent most of our time shopping and hanging out at cafes. It wasn’t until two years later that I realized that my English hadn’t improved.I changed my mindset entirely and started studying hard.I ended up staying in UK for 10 years, which opened a lot of doors and introduced me to great people, so I’m all for studying abroad.
  Truth (US): There is an assumption that American education is the best in the world, so Chinese parents are pushing their kids to American colleges. And some are even sending their children overseas at junior or high school level. I often feel this is a mistake as the education a Chinese child gets in a foreign country is very different from what they are used to and they often struggle. Some students have trouble understanding their lecturers and their assignments keep coming back with poor scores.
  1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要。
  2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:
  (1) 支持或反对“国外留学”。
  (2) 用2至3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。
  1. 可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据。
  2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句。
  3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
  4. 不必写标题。
  【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。
  一、1—5 CBADC 6—10 DCCCD 11—15 ABBBD
  二、 16—20 CDBAC 21—25 ABCAD26—30 BADCB 31—35 ABDDC
  三、 36—37 BA 38—40 BAD 41—44 CBAB
  45—50 BCDDAC
  51. Less 52. imagining 53. beneficial / helpful
  54. surprise 55. lower 56. affect / influence / impact 57. control 58. life 59. rich / high / abundant 60. Conclusion
  五、 One possible version:
  (贊成) More and more Chinese parents prefer to send their children to study abroad, assuming that their children can receive the best education despite heavy financial burdens. People’s opinions on this vary.
  I think it makes good sense to send children to study abroad for the following reasons. First, when studying abroad, children are exposed to a different culture, which will help broaden their horizons and provide them with a chance to improve their foreign language. Second, living apart from their family, children can learn to adapt to the new environment and live on their own. Last but not the least, faced with fierce competition in a job market, a person owning a foreign diploma can have an edge over others.
  In summary, it goes without saying that studying abroad is an excellent experience from which children can benefit a lot, so if possible, children should make the most of the great chance.
  (反对) More and more Chinese parents prefer to send their children to study abroad, assuming that their children can receive the best education despite heavy financial burdens. People’s opinions on this vary.
  I don’t think it is a wise option to send children to foreign countries for education, especially those at junior or senior level. For one thing, we have good universities in China where students can receive an equally good education and therefore owning a foreign diploma doesn’t necessarily mean an edge over others in hunting for jobs. For another, so high is the tuition that not every family can afford it. Besides, finding it hard to adapt to the  new environment, some students feel depressed  or even drop out without achieving anything.
  Whether to send children to study abroad is a vital decision worthy of careful consideration. It is not where to study but how to study well that really makes a difference.
一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每题5分,共70分)  1.已知全集U={1,2,3},A={2},则瘙 綂  UA=______.  2.已知复数z=m-i1+i(m∈R,i是虚数单位)是纯虚数,则实数m的值为______.  3.某学校高一、高二、高三年级的学生人数之比为5∶5∶4,现用分层抽样的方法抽取若干人,若抽取的高三年级为12人,则抽取的样本容量为______人.  4.一个算法的伪代码
Unit 1  一、根據汉语意思或首字母完成下列句子
一、單项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  1.__________ having a good time and making new friends, taking a gap year may give students an edge in the job market.  A. With regard to B. In spite of  C. As well as D. S
Module 9 Unit 3    Ⅰ. 词汇拓展    1. 价值 n ._________; 宝贵的 adj ._________  2. 诚实的adj._____________; n ._________; 不诚实的adj. ; n ._________  3. 强壮的 adj ._________; 体力 n ._________; 加强 vt ._________  4
高考作文一旦偏题,语文分数就上不来;语文分数上不来,高考就玩完——重点大学的门也就此关闭。因此,对于集万千宠爱于一身的高考作文,同学们绝不能出现审题方面的偏差。那么,究竟该如何审题呢?  一、理清人和事,不可囫囵吞枣  有的同学读题,粗枝大叶,眉毛胡子一把抓,糊里糊涂就把作文给写上了,这种信马由缰的作文最易偏题。正确的做法是先仔细读题,如果题目中有相关的人和事,就要仔细研究人和事之间的关系,进行全
从近几年的高考试题看,古诗词鉴赏题中“情感型”试题特别受命题者青睐,而且分值较高。只有准确感受作者在诗词中的情感,才能从更高层面品味、鉴赏古诗词。  该题型的命题形式一般分为三类:一是简要分析作者在这首诗(词)中表达的感情;二是这首诗(词)情感丰富,请简要分析;三是某一情感在这首诗(词)中是如何体现的?当然,题目设置并不囿于上述类型,有时它和其他题型一起呈现,有时也不需要去具体分析这种情感,同学们
高考阅读理解体裁纷繁多样,但每套试卷通常包含一到两篇记叙文。在所有的阅读体裁中,记叙文的难度相对是比较低的。如果掌握了阅读的技巧,多多实践,阅读能力就有可能大大提高。  要想熟练掌握记叙文的阅读技巧,了解记叙文的写作特点与命题特点也是有必要的。  一、记叙文写作特点  记叙文是一种记载和叙述事件由来、描绘事件和人物情景状态、过程及发展的文体。消息、通讯、传记、游记、小说、童话、寓言以及记叙性的散文