学习贯彻中央《关于加强和改进城市民兵工作的意见》述评之三 在改革创新中提高质量

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本文导读 军事训练是部队战斗力生成和提高的根本途径,深化军事训练改革是提高城市民兵遂行任务能力的基本途径。在未来高技术战争中,担负科技参战支前任务的民兵能否拉得出、用得上、起作用,很大程度上取决于平时的训练水平。近些年来。我国民兵的军事训练经过调整改革,呈现出不断上升的好势头。特别是中央《关于加强和改进城市民兵工作的意见》下发近2年来,各级军事机关和人武部门着眼未来高技术战争对兵员动员和民兵参战支前提出的更高要求.按照建训一致、战训一致的原则,与时俱进,加大民兵军事训练改革创新的力度。突出训练重点,调控训练任务比例;优化训练内容,突出针对性、应用性、实战性训练;革新训练方法,创出挂钩代训、跨区联训新路子;强化训练机制,走开规范施训、依法治训之路。有力地保障了民兵军事训练效果的落实,提高了训练层次和质量,促进了战斗力的快速生成。回顾过去。展望未来,我国民兵军事训练在整体质量有较大提高的同时,诸多不足之处犹在,需要研究、探索、解决。 This paper introduces that military training is the fundamental way for the formation and improvement of the combat effectiveness of military units. Deepening military training reform is the basic way to improve the ability of urban militiamen to carry out their missions. In future high-tech wars, whether the militiamen, who assume the pre-mission of science and technology war, can draw up, use, and play a role depends largely on the usual level of training. In recent years. After the military training of our militia has been adjusted and reform has shown a rising momentum. In particular, in the past two years since the issuance of the “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Work of Urban Militias” issued by the Central Government over the past two years, the military authorities and armed forces departments at all levels have focused their attention on the higher demands put forward by the high-tech wars on the mobilization of militiamen and the militia’s participation in the war. Consistent with the principle of the same training and training, keep pace with the times and intensify the reform and innovation of military training in the militia. Highlighting the focus of training, regulating the proportion of training tasks; optimizing the training content, highlighting the targeted, practical, practical training; innovative training methods, creating a link training, cross-regional training new path; strengthen the training mechanism, , According to the road of legal training. Effectively guaranteed the implementation of militia training results, raised the training level and quality, and promoted the rapid generation of combat effectiveness. look back at past. Looking to the future, while the overall quality of militia military training has greatly improved, many deficiencies still exist and we need to study, explore and solve them.
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