Scalable Clock Synchronization Analysis:A Symmetric Noncooperative Output Feedback Tubes-MPC Approac

来源 :自动化学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asergh12
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In the cyber-physical environment, the clock synchronization algorithm is required to have better expansion for network scale. In this paper, a new measurement model of observability under the equivalent transformation of minimum mean square error (MMSE) is constructed based on basic measurement unit (BMU), which can realize the scaled expansion of MMSE measurement. Based on the state updating equation of absolute clock and the decoupled measurement model of MMSE-like equivalence, which is proposed to calculate the positive definite invariant set by using the theoretical-practical Luenberger observer as the synthetical observer, the local noncooperative optimal control problem is built, and the clock synchronization system driven by the ideal state of local clock can reach the exponential convergence for synchronization perfor-mance. Different from the problem of general linear system regulators, the state estimation error and state control error are analyzed in the established affine system based on the set-theory-in-control to achieve the quantification of state deviation caused by noise interference. Based on the BMU for isomorphic state map, the synchronization performance of clock states between multiple sets of representative nodes is evaluated, and the scale of evaluated system can be still expanded. After the synchronization is completed, the state of perturbation system remains in the maximum range of measurement accuracy, and the state of nominal system can be stabilized at the ideal state for local clock and realizes the exponential convergence of the clock synchronization system.
今天是星期天。  爸爸,我们来玩“小蜜蜂”吧!
库洛洛从巫师学校毕业了,他骑着扫把在天空中飞,想要去一个漂亮的城市,到那里去找一份赚大钱的工作。飞啊飞啊,库洛洛穿过森林看到一座巨大的城堡,一只长箭从库洛洛的头顶穿过,吓得他一头冷汗。  原来森林里的野人正在跟城堡里的巨人们打仗!库洛洛从密密的箭阵中惊险地穿过。  库洛洛好不容易才穿过了箭阵,扫把的尾巴却着了火,疼得扫把横冲直撞,一下子把城堡撞了个洞,跌进了巨人空空儿的家里。巨人空空儿正在穿他的战
摘 要 大卫·丹尼森是20世纪美国理论物理学家,他为当时密歇根大学物理系成为理论和实验分子研究的世界中心作出了重要贡献。依据密歇根大学对丹尼森进行的口述采访、相关资料,研究与探讨丹尼森的生平、科学成就及他为密歇根大学物理系所做的贡献。  关键词 大卫·丹尼森 理论物理 红外光谱 原子理论 量子理论  中图分类号 N09: O4-09  文献标识码 A   20世纪初期,相对论、量子力学先