一场车祸,让綦江男子余冠雄丧失嗅觉,左耳听力和味觉功能也大减。更可怕的是,他对饭产生极强的“厌恶感”,唯独喜欢喝水,每天以水度日。日饮水量多达25公斤“春节后就不想吃饭了,看到饭就有厌恶感。”余说。晓得肚子饿,可就只想喝水,水以外的啥子东西都没兴趣。他每天都要到医院外的商店买矿泉水和饮料。担心身体出问题,自己尽量控制饮水量,但还是要每天喝水20公斤左右,最多时25公斤。 2月18日,余住进重医附一院内
A car accident, Hanjiang men Yu Guanxiong loss of smell, left ear hearing and taste function also greatly reduced. Even more frightening is that he had a very strong sense of “disgust” on the rice, only like to drink water, day by day. Daily drinking water up to 25 kg “After the Spring Festival do not want to eat, and see rice there is a sense of disgust.” Yu said. Know hungry, but just want to drink water, what things are not interested in anything other than water. He goes to the store outside the hospital every day to buy mineral water and drinks. Fear of physical problems, try to control their own drinking water, but still have to drink about 20 kilograms a day, up to 25 kg. February 18, I admitted to a hospital attached to the weight of medicine