
来源 :炼铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hurukun
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1996年下半年以来,酒钢炼铁厂在加强基础管理工作的同时,十分重视精料工作,牢固树立顺行是改善各项指标前提的指导思想,不断优化高炉操作,进行高炉强化冶炼,重视护炉工作,努力延长高炉寿命。由于不断推进炼铁技术的进步,炼铁生产水平逐步提高,高炉各项技术经济指标明显改善,高炉利用系数从1996年的1.352提高到了1999年的1.924,入炉焦比从1996年的568kg/t降低到了1999年的552 kg/t,煤比从1996年的40.40kg/t提高到了1999年的50.11 kg/t。 Since the second half of 1996, Jiuquan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., while strengthening its basic management, attached great importance to the work of concentrates and firmly established the guiding principle of improving various indicators on the basis of continuous improvement. It continued to optimize blast furnace operations and intensify smelting of blast furnaces, attaching great importance Protect the furnace work, and strive to extend the life of the blast furnace. Due to the continuous promotion of the progress of ironmaking technology, the production level of ironmaking gradually increased, and various technical and economic indicators of the blast furnace improved significantly. The utilization factor of blast furnace increased from 1.352 in 1996 to 1.924 in 1999. The coke ratio increased from 568kg / t to 552 kg / t in 1999 and the coal ratio increased from 40.40 kg / t in 1996 to 50.11 kg / t in 1999.
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6月15日,中国人民对外友协,中苏友协和中国作协举行集会,纪念俄国杰出作家伊·屠格涅夫逝世一百周年和苏联杰出作家 On June 15, the Chinese people’s Association for I
根据冶金科技发展指南 ( 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 5年 ) ,“十五”期间冶金自动化重点发展的前沿技术如下 :( 1)生产过程自动化 ,包括①采矿场卫星定位技术 ;②低成本 ,开放式基础自动