被新闻媒体称作“一女二嫁”,报纸、杂志和电视新闻曾竞相炒作的《饥饿的女儿》侵权案,恐怕算得上世纪之交的2000年中国出版界、文学界和大众文化生活中既出彩、又极具表现力的一桩“官司”了! 曾几何时,舆论如潮、众说纷纭,书界内外莫衷一是;到如今,尘埃落定、偃旗息鼓,是非曲直又云遮雾障。作为这番风雨的一个亲历者,作为“一女二嫁”案的一位知情人,我愿将自己的经历与感受从实道来。不是“翻旧帐”,更不是“炒新闻”,而是对加入世贸组织之后的中国出版人,提供一份鲜活的、值得研究的出版个案。一、叩问起因据报载,1998年2月,旅英川籍女作家虹影就其长篇小说《十八劫)与上海文艺出版社签订图书出版合同,授予该社以图书形式出版该作品中文本的专
The case of “hungry daughter” infringed by the news media as “one woman and two marriages,” newspapers, magazines, and television news that have competed with one another in the news media probably amounts to the turning point in the 2000 Chinese publishing, literary and mass cultural life at the turn of the century Both out of color, but also very expressive of a “lawsuit!” Once upon a time, the public opinion tide, divergent views, both inside and outside the book were mixed; to now, the dust settles down, died down, right and wrong and covered in fog. As a witness to the storm, as an insider in the case of “one woman and two marriages,” I would like to make my own experiences and feelings come from the truth. Rather than “turning over old accounts,” not to “fry the news,” it will provide a vivid and worthwhile published case of publication to Chinese publishers who have joined the WTO. First, the cause of the inquiry According to the newspaper, in February 1998, Hong Ying, a British female writer of the British-British tribe, signed a book publishing contract with the Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House for his novel “The 18th Crusade”, and granted the agency publishing the work in book form Chinese version of the book