我们大队位于娘娘山下,是个山多田少的丘陵地区。全大队十个生产队,两个林业队,359户, 1530人,耕地面积1965亩,山林面积6123亩。 我们大队在“农业学大寨”运动中,坚持“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,在大办、办好粮食生产同时,积极响应毛主席“绿化祖国”的伟大号召,发扬大寨革命精神,独立自主,自力更生,穷办苦干,积极组织群众大打植树造林的人民战争。几年来,植树造林5498亩,其中杉木1792亩。我们发展杉木林,经过几次反复,通过“实践,认识,再实践,再认识”逐步摸索丘陵山区营造杉木林的客观规律。1974年,我们在省林科所的帮助下,在芦塘庵林业队成立了“三结合”的科研小组,对在不同的立地条件,不同的整地方式,不同的抚育管理措施情况下杉木生长情况和“小老树”改造等问题进行观察,现作如下汇报:
Our brigade is located in Niangniang Shan, a mountainous and hilly area. The whole team of ten production teams, two forestry teams, 359 households, 1530 people, 1965 acres of arable land, mountain forest area 6123 mus. In the course of “learning from agriculture in Dazhai”, our brigade upholds the principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development” and at the same time vigorously responds to the great call of Chairman Mao for “greening the motherland” Revolutionary spirit, independence, self-reliance and poverty alleviation. We should actively organize the masses to plant and popularize the people’s war. In recent years, 5498 acres of afforestation, of which 1792 acres of Chinese fir. After several times of development, we have developed the objective laws of fir plantation in hilly areas through “practice, understanding, re-practice and re-understanding”. In 1974, with the help of the Provincial Forestry Branch, we set up a “three-in-one” scientific research team at Lu Tang An Forestry Corps to study the effects of different conditions of site preparation, different site preparation methods and different management measures on fir growth The situation and “small old tree” transformation and other issues to observe the current report as follows: