
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:accessw2009
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电大自从1978年12月创办以来,党和国家就赋予了电大教育的两个职能:举办以高等专科为主的学历教育,开展以岗位培训、专业证书教育、职业技术教育为主的非学历教育(继续教育是后来沿用的名称,泛指非学历教育)。成立后的几年里,由于各种原因,电大开展继续教育只是处于试点推广阶段。1987年,国家教委等六部委联合发出的《关于开展大学后继续教育的暂行规定》中指出:“有条件的高等院校要把开展大学后继续教育作为一项重要任务,作为高校联系社会、服务社会和促进教育改革的重要途径”。根据《暂行规定》精神,中央电大在厦门召开全国电大继续教育研讨会,与会同志一致认为广播电视大学在全力搞好学历教育的同时,应充分发挥教学手段先进、教育网点齐全、信息比较灵通的综合优势,开展各种各样的继续教育。随着“中国卫星教育电视”频道的开通,会议在总结试点经验的基础上,提出了新的教育计划,把继续教育推向全国。 Since the founding of Radio and TV University in December 1978, the party and the state have given TVET two functions: holding a diploma education mainly based on higher education and carrying out non-diploma education mainly on job training, professional certificate education and vocational and technical education (Continuing education is the name followed, refers to non-academic education). A few years after its establishment, due to various reasons, TVU to carry out continuing education is only in the pilot phase of promotion. In 1987, the State Education Commission and other six ministries and commissions jointly issued the “Interim Provisions on Carrying Out Continuing Education at University” pointed out: “Qualified colleges and universities should carry out post-university continuing education as an important task, as colleges and universities to contact the community, Serve the community and promote education reform an important way. ” According to the “Interim Provisions”, CTU held a seminar on continuing education in TVU in Xiamen. At the same time, all participating comrades unanimously considered that, while doing a good job of academic education, RTVU should give full play to advanced teaching methods, complete educational outlets, and well-informed Comprehensive advantages, to carry out a wide range of continuing education. With the opening of the “China Satellite Education Television” channel, the conference put forward a new education plan on the basis of summing up the pilot experience and pushed the continuing education to the whole country.
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目的 探索左膈下脂肪浸润 (leftsubphrenicfatinfiltration ,LSFI)是否为急性胰腺炎的 1种CT表现及其形态学特征和出现率。方法 回顾性分析 1 88例连续性急性胰腺炎病例的C
我们对脑囊虫采用血和脑脊液间凝试验与头部CT检查,并进行对照分析,以判断它们对脑囊虫病的诊断价值。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 共检测100例,男72例,女28例;年龄16~75岁,平均3