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   Over the weekend, I found myself colouring in. While waiting for food in a restaurant, I started to fill in my two-year-old daughter’s colouring book. I became engrossed in making Peppa Pig green, George blue and Daddy Pig yellow.
   Before I knew it, the food had arrived, my crotchety mood had lifted and my daughter’s attention had moved on to other things. Little did I know, but I had become an unwitting part of a booming new sector of the economy: the infantilisation industry.
   There is a flourishing market for products and services offering adults an opportunity to become a child again. In the publishing world, half of Amazon’s current top 10 bestsellers are colouring books targeting at grown-ups. Other bestselling books, like the Harry Potter series, appear to be for children but are widely read by adults. The average age of people playing highly successful computer games such as Battlefield is 27. And one of the most popular themes for adult parties in the UK is“back to school”.
   Why do adults hanker after things designed for kids? One reason is nostalgia. We hope that by consuming products made for children, we can transport ourselves back into our own childhood and reconnect with long-lost pleasures. I know many grown men who own Star Wars figures and vast collections of Lego sets precisely for this reason. By becoming a kid again, we also hope to momentarily avoid the burdens of adult life.
   But recently, a new theme has appeared in the infantalisation industry: by acting like a child, companies claim, adults can maximise their personal “wellness”; by getting back in touch with the simple pleasures we enjoyed during our childhood, we can rediscover a state of blissful health and happiness. Adult colouring books were of interest to only a tiny group of people until publishers started to highlight their mindfulness-enhancing properties. By simply adding “antistress” to the title, The Secret Garden became a bestseller.
   At the very same time as adults have taken to colouringin books in the hope of feeling better, children have started to adopt the accoutrements of adulthood. Of course, children have always wanted to play at being grown-ups. But what is striking is how grown-up practices are actively pushed onto our kids.
   One spectacular example is a chain of adventure parks called KidZania, which in the words of the UK chairman is “opening children’s eyes to the realities of life”. Each park is made up of streets filled with well-known brands including H
关键词孙吴政权 正统性 天命 符瑞 国山封禅  王朝的正统性是中国古代传统政治理论的古老命题,它是一个政权赖以存在和延续的重要保证。在“天命论”根深蒂固的中国古代社会,人们普遍接受“君权神授”的观念。这种观念认为:“王天下”并不是民意的结果,而是天意的安排。因此判断一个王朝是正是僭,不能单看其政治势力的大小或军事武装的强弱,而要看其是否获得了绍续古圣治统的天授资格。在古代文献中,常有“天之历数在尔
内容提要 立足于中国古代身体观,“体知”所涵括的“身体能够知道”的义项与西方认知理论中“具身化认知”的新进展相一致,但不同于西方认知科学中向经验的彻底回归以及仅仅将身体看作认知的基础,“体知”也是在高层次上对事物复杂性的研究。更为重要的是,“体知”之“知”在于“身体自然知一‘道”’,则“体知”不是一个纯粹认识论的范畴,“体知”之“体”的动、名词区分,显示了作为隐暗维度的“气”,这一“存有的连续”
英文的基本句型,就是讨论“主语 不同的谓语结构”。英文的谓语动词分两大类:一类是系动词;另一类是实义动词。由系动词构成的谓语只有一种,由实义动词构成的谓语则有四种,从而就有了五种英文基本句型:   一、主语-系动词-表语 (SVC)   该句型中的谓语动词是系动词。系动词后接的部分可称为表语,也可称为(主语)补足语,主语补足语这一部分的主要功能是对主语进行说明、补充。英文中的系动词主要指B
内容提要 空间概念是现代社会的“大问题”,从空间概念出发,能够洞见到传统社会与现代社会之间的关键区别。当代社会理论家鲍曼基于空间概念所形成的分析,从空间与权力、公共空间的形态与变异、空间与社会治理以及寻找政治等方面,对现代社会进行了精细的阐述。在此阐述中,可看到现代社会的权力运作、空间结构安排以及社会治理等迥异于传统社会的特点,这对理解现代社会及现代人的生活,具有重要的价值。  关键词 空间 权力
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in the United States, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. Several other places around the world observe Thanksgiving Day as well but not o
[中图分类号]B224 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0447—662X(2021)08—0019—09  近几十年来,我国学界引入了西方学界的“政治发展”概念,对于我们从文化比较的视野出发,深入思考中国社会如何完成现代化的理论课题起到了积极的作用。但事情的另一面是,这个概念在其时空意蕴中又包含了某些严重的局限,如果不加批判地照搬过来,就会造成不必要的扭曲或误导。基于这一考虑,本文以《墨子》和美国
内容提要 英雄主义是人类社会不断由野蛮向文明演进的过程中逐渐形成的一种具有集体意识的精神价 值观,是属于意识形态层面的价值判断。它通过社会群体中具有崇高、悲壮、不屈和进取品 格的具体人物作为摹本或榜样,旨在弘扬某一特定时期这一社会群体所追寻的最完美、最高 尚、最能代表整体利益的宏大目标,并以此号召、鼓动和激励社会所有的人模仿这一人物, 以达到或完成这一事业的最终目的。随着人类文明的不断进步,对于英
拖延症同桌  “交作业啦!交作业啦!”每天清晨,五年级(3)班的同学们都会听到语文课代表贺薇薇用熟悉的语调催促他们交作业的声音。同学们都知道她性子急,脾气大不好惹,大家来到教室的第一件事就是把语文作业赶紧拿出来,放到桌子上,等着她来收。  贺薇薇从班里第一张桌子开始收作业,绕着教室走了一圈,差不多收齐了。她抱着一摞作业本回到座位上,看到旁边的空座位时,她眉头一皱,差点儿就要火冒三丈。  “这个钟洋
6·18促销节点的大热,给这场竞争对手之间的掐架增加了不少看点,也事关消费者的切身利益。对此,市场监管总局深夜回应称,已通知属地监管部门调查核实。  格力和奥克斯的隔空喊话,火药味相当强,但谁都没有能让人彻底信服的证据。从格力的角度来看,它列举了能效比和制冷消耗功率不合標准的奥克斯品牌空调型号,一共包括8款,但考虑到二者的竞争关系,由格力委托的第三方检测结果未必完全可信。而奥克斯方面的声明,回避了