崛起的原因 据统计,目前我国老年类报纸已达26家,绝大多数的省、市、自治区都拥有一份老年报,一些老年报的发行量已达到30—50万份,全国期发总数达400万份,办得生动活泼、深受读者欢迎,且具一定实力和经济规模的还为数不少。老年报异军突起、蓬勃发展的原因何在呢? 第一、我国人口结构日益老龄化的现实为老年报的成长提供了肥沃的土壤,并准备了数量庞大且源源不断的读者队伍。人口结构老龄化,这是人类社会发展的必然趋势,也是社会文明进步的具体体现。老年人越来越多,必定给整个国家政治、经济、
The reasons for the rise According to statistics, at present, China has reached 26 senile newspapers, the vast majority of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have an annual report, some of the annual circulation has reached 300,000 to 500,000 copies of the national total Up to 4000000 copies, can be vivid and lively, well received by readers, and with a certain strength and economic size, but also a large number. What is the reason for the rapid development of the Aging for the elderly? First, the reality of an aging population in our country provides a fertile soil for the development of the Aging, and prepares a large and endless stream of readers. The aging population structure is the inevitable trend of the development of human society. It is also a concrete manifestation of the progress of social civilization. The growing number of seniors will surely give the entire country’s political, economic,