《欧伦施皮格尔的传说》是比利时最负盛名的一部文学作品,作者是夏尔·德·科斯特(Charles De Coster,1827—1879),他用法语写作,一生大都在贫困和默默无闻中度过,《传说》用了10年才写成。他在书中灵活地改写了民间流传的梯尔·欧伦施皮格尔和拉姆的英雄故事,把背景安排在16世纪宗教法庭疯狂迫害异端的高潮期间。该书由于主题是反对压迫,因而享有“佛兰德圣经”和“自由日课经”之称。著名作曲家里夏德·施特劳斯曾据此创作了管弦乐作品《梯尔·欧伦施皮格尔的恶作剧》(1895)。
“The Legends of Ouren Spiegel” is one of Belgium’s most prestigious literary works by Charles De Coster (1827-1879), who wrote in French and spent most of his life in poverty and Spent in obscurity, “legend” took 10 years to write. In his book, he flexibly rewrites the heroic stories of folklore Thiel Orenspiel and Ram, setting the stage for the climax of the frenzied heresy of heresy in 16th-century religious tribunals. The book is entitled “Flemish Bible” and “Free Day Classics” because its theme is opposition to oppression. The famous composer, Richter Strauss, wrote an orchestral work titled “Til-Oren Spiegel’s Prank” (1895).