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《易经》云:“苟日新,日日新,又日新。”在春风送暖的季节,我们慕名寻索这片峥嵘的热土。 5000年前,勤劳的先民在颍水、汝水的浇灌和滋润下,曾经在这里既稼且穑,创造的原始文明,为数千年的社会进步与发展奠定了永恒的根基。这里,有着深厚的文化底蕴,曾经是古代轩辕黄帝、尧、舜、禹经常活动的地方。据《史记》载“黄帝采首山之铜,铸鼎于荆山下”;孔丘周游列国,也在襄城县留下了许多动人的故事;这里是明代著名的税费改革家李敏的故里,至今还遗留有中国八大书院之一的紫云书院。这里,有被《史记》所载“天下名山八,三在蛮夷,五在中国。中国华山、首山、太室、泰山、东莱,此五山黄帝之所尝游”的古代八大名山之一的首山。这里,紧拽伏牛山余脉,泱泱雄风,尽显神奇,青山秀水, 皆夺心魂。美轮美奂的紫云山槲林茂密,遇霜叶红,是八百里伏牛难得的景致,山中建造于500年前的书院,古色古香,曾经的朗朗书声,犹在耳畔回响。这里,历有“九省通衢”的美称,区位优势显赫,境内铁路、公路纵横交错,四通八达,扼南北道路要冲,通东西舟楫之便。这里,地处产烟区纬度地带,种植条件得天独厚,是我国三大烤烟发源地之一。1958年8月7日,毛泽东主席于日理万机之际,拨冗南下来到这里视察之后,“烟叶王国”的美名从此便驰骋九州。这里,矿产丰富,储量大而且品质高的煤炭和石油资源正给这片热土注入生机。2004年,在河南省县域经济综合实力排序中曾被列为十个快进县之一。2005年,在第五届中国中部六省百强县市评比中位居58名,并列为呈综合竞争力上升态势的9个县市之一;在全国县市排名中位居319位, 与2004年相比,前移255个位次。这里,曾经的萧条和贫困已经隐退,代之而来的是农业和工业质变后的崭新面貌,城市和乡村在和谐发展的主旋律中,正向人们展示日新月异的容颜。这里,就是襄城县。 “Book of Changes” cloud: “Gou Nisshin, Japan, Japan and Japan.” In the spring season, we are attracted to search this piece of towering land. Five thousand years ago, under the watering and nourishing of the Ying River and the Ru River, the industrious pioneers created an original civilization that was once built here and lays an eternal foundation for thousands of years of social progress and development. Here, has a profound cultural background, once the ancient Xuanyuan Huangdi, Yao, Shun, Yu regular activities. According to “Historical Records” contains “the Yellow Emperor mining the first mountain of copper, Ding Ding in the Jingshan”; Confucius traveled the nations, but also in Xiangcheng County left many moving stories here is the Ming Dynasty famous tax reformist Li Min Hometown, still left with one of China’s eight college Ziyun College. Here is one of the eight famous ancient mountains in the history of the Eight Dynasties, including the Eight Famous Mountains in the World, the Third in the Barbarians, the Five in China, Huashan, Shoushan, Taikai, Taishan and Donglai The first mountain. Here, grab the volcano Mountain Valleys, Xiongzao glory, 尽显 amazing, Castle Peak Xiushui, both won the soul. The beauty of the Ziyun Mountain mistletoe dense, the cream Ye Hong, is a rare 800-meter baroque landscape, built in the mountains 500 years ago, the college, antique, once Lang Lang book, still echo in the ears. Here, it has the reputation of “the thoroughfare of nine provinces”, with its prominent geographical advantages. The railways and highways in the country are criss-crossing in all directions and extending in all directions. Here, is located in the latitude zone of tobacco production, unique planting conditions, is one of the three birthplace of China’s flue-cured tobacco. On August 7, 1958, after Chairman Mao Zedong became the Governor of Hong Kong, he went south to come here for inspection. Since then, the reputation of “the Kingdom of Tobacco” has been riding Kyushu. Here, mineral rich, large reserves and high quality coal and oil resources are giving life into this hot land. In 2004, it ranked as one of the ten fast-moving counties in the ranking of comprehensive economic strength of counties in Henan Province. In 2005, among the top five provinces and cities in the Fifth Central China, 58 were ranked as one of the 9 counties and cities that showed an upward trend in overall competitiveness; among the 319 counties in the country, Compared to 2004, advance 255 positions. Here, the former recession and poverty have receded. Instead, they have taken a new look after the qualitative changes in agriculture and industry. Cities and villages are showing people their ever-changing appearance in the theme of harmonious development. Here is Xiangcheng County.
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生活在巴西亚马逊流域的人们长期使用一种特殊的肥料。这种肥料来源于当地,具有极强的恢复贫瘠土壤肥力的能力。若把它们覆盖在土地上,其效力可以持续很长一段时间。 People
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摘要:班级管理必须有预案,但是设计预案一要力求全面,二要灵活执行。在具体实施中,尤其处理师生矛盾时,班主任必须弄清事情真相,从中捕捉突破口,以真诚之心实现矛盾冲突的软着陆。  关键词:预案;班级管理;效用  中图分类号:G633文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)21-013-1“预案”即指预先设计的应对方案,使人做到未雨绸缪,一旦出现意外或者发生了某种事件,能够做出迅速、灵活