Previous studies have found that an important semantic condition needs to be fulfilled if a sentence whose subject is advanced in advance is stated: the state of the statement is partially expressed. This is the precondition of the semantic construction of the topic in advance. The establishment of such topics also meet many micro-semantic conditions. When the default topic part is a set of nouns (which can be divided into near-hand or far-to-the-end), the creation of a verb carrying either “” or “over ” can not appear in the statement section. In the case of a near-to-the-title item, the destructive verb carried “” may not appear in the statement part, but carrying “over” may appear in the statement part. Destructive verbs can either carry “” or “over” in the statement section when the topic is far. Many neutral verbs, which are neither involved in creation nor destruction, show mixed expressions in the fixed quotations. Whether they can appear in the fixed-topic sentences depends on whether the listener can deduce a certain state of the topic according to the meaning of the verbs, the meaning of the body marks and the relevant contexts.