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当下文艺理论批评中存在“追时风”现象,其根源仍然是过去曾统治文坛的左的思潮,与长期以来颠来倒去争论不休的文艺与政治的关系问题紧密相关。在纪念中国改革开放30周年之际,《文艺报》发表的《中国特色社会主义文艺理论体系初探》一文,从几个核心概念出发,论述了中国特色社会主义文艺理论体系的基本思想,但其中几处说法表现出“追时风”倾向,因而是值得商榷的。 The root cause of the phenomenon of “chasing time and tyrannical phenomena” in contemporary literary and art criticisms is still the left trend of thought that ruled the literary world in the past and is closely related to the issue of the relationship between art and politics, which has long been controversial. In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, the article entitled “A Preliminary Study of the Theoretical System of Socialist Literature and Art with Chinese Characteristics” published by the “Wen Yi Bao”, proceeding from a few core concepts, discusses the basic idea of ​​the socialist theoretical system of literature and art with Chinese characteristics. However, Several statements show “chasing the wind ” tendency, so it is debatable.