俗话说,聪明反被聪明误。这不,武汉宏生不育症中医院一帮人为偷逃税款,尽管花百般心思掩盖其真实的经营活动,自以为能瞒天过海,怎料到还是被税务稽查掀掉了其盖头,露出了庐山真面目,其偷税丑行暴露于光天化日之下。举报 黄眉剑出鞘 2002年11月10日,一封举报材料引起了桥口区地税分局徐海林局长的重视并作了批示。稽查局在接到批示后,及时会同分局有关职能部门研究案情,并将案情向桥口警方作了通报。桥口公安经侦大队随即派出两名侦察员与税务分局抽调的精干人员组成联合稽查小组,制订了周密的检查行动方案。
As the saying goes, smart is not smart. This is not, Wuhan Hongsheng infertility hospital a group of people to evade taxes, despite all kinds of mind to cover up their true business activities, can conceal oneself over the sea, how expected or tax inspection removed its hijab, exposing the true colors , Its tax scandal is exposed in broad daylight. Reported Mei eye sword out on November 10, 2002, a report of material caused by Qokou District Local Taxation Bureau Secretary Xu Hailin attention and made instructions. After receiving the instructions, the inspection bureau promptly studied the case with the relevant functional departments of the branch and informed the police of Qiaokou. Qiaokou public security and Economic Investigation Brigade immediately sent two scouts and the tax branch of the deployment of capable personnel to form a joint inspection team to develop a thorough inspection program of action.