
来源 :厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhuikkkl
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福州话多音词语连读后,非首字普遍发生声母的类化。经过大量的验证,本文归纳了制约声母类化的条件在语音、语义、语法和语用等4个方面都有一些规律可寻。但是都不是绝对要变或一定不变的规定性音变。可见福州话的声母类化是多种性质的综合,必须透过多种视角的考察才能得到完整的认识。 Fuzhou dialect polyphonic even after reading, non-initial occurrence of initial consonants generally. After a large number of verification, this paper concludes that there are some rules to be found in the four aspects of phonetic, semantic, grammatical and pragmatic constraints in terms of restricting the initializing of initials. But neither is the absolute tone or the certainty of change. It can be seen that the consonantization of Fuzhou dialect is a combination of many kinds of properties and must be thoroughly investigated through various perspectives.
西夏文物的造型、色彩、装饰纹有其独特的艺术风格和鲜明的时代特征,其中花卉纹显得尤为突出。本文就西夏文物中的花卉纹装饰艺术及其渊源谈了自己的观点。 Xixia relics of