流行病学研究和动物实验表明硒是一种抗癌元素。为了探讨硒在肺癌发生时的分布规律及其在病因和发病过程中的作用,我们用荧光法分析了肺癌患者、良性肺病患者和健康人的222例肺样、381个发样和287个血样。发、血样均采自北京地区的居民。分析结果为:68个肺癌组织的硒含量为1.078±0.231 μg/g
Epidemiological studies and animal experiments show that selenium is an anticancer element. To investigate the distribution of selenium during the development of lung cancer and its role in the etiology and pathogenesis, we analyzed 222 lung samples, 381 hair samples and 287 blood samples from lung cancer patients, benign lung diseases patients and healthy people by fluorescence. . Hair and blood samples were collected from residents of the Beijing area. The analysis results showed that the selenium content in 68 lung cancer tissues was 1.078±0.231 μg/g.