,Politicizing Responsible Innovation: Responsibility as Inclusive Governance

来源 :国际创新研究学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c1093682
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This paper aims to provide the historical and conceptual bases underlying the inclusionary transition of European innovation policy,and critical analysis of the difficulties relating to the political nature of this transition.In the 50s and 60s of last century,linear innovation models operated on the basis of a clear division of roles among the different actors in innovation and fundamentally economistic-based strategies.The following decades saw innovation policies progressively recognize the multi-dimensional and complex nature of innovation and the need to make adjustments,but always in explicit response to the competitiveness imperative.More recent RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) strategy within the European Union,in contrast,demands opening up the whole innovation process (including values and motivations) to collective decision,i.e.,approaching responsible innovation as inclusive innovation.This paper appraises this important development primarily on the basis of in-depth analysis of the main policy literature on innovation,and also on the grounds of related academic literature.As a result,we conclude that the bid for collaboration models cohabits constitutively with another set of dynamics aimed at strengthening centralized and prescriptive forms of innovation.In other words,that inclusionary or political eageess represented through RRI must grapple with the strategic imperative of competitiveness and economic development.Hence,fundamental tension exists,which should be elucidated in light of the objectives,demands and considerations that are integrated,and cease to be integrated,in innovation dynamics and trajectories.
<正> 一、对经济宣传意义的再学习,再认识经济宣传在新闻界是一个老生常谈的题目,但是过去往往把经济建设理解为就是生产,因此认为经济宣传也就是生产宣传。后来经济宣传虽然在向“生产”以外的领域扩展,但是充其量也不过扩展到流通领域。经济宣传的报道面仍然显得十分狭窄。所谓经济,在经济学里是指社会物质生产和再生产的活动。从这个意义上讲,凡是属于社会物质生产和再生产范畴之内的活动均
Open innovation has become a dominant innovation paradigm.However,the actual adoption of open innovation organizational designs and practices remains elusive,an