报道了一例持续性室上性心动过速合并心力衰竭的胎儿进行宫内治疗的病例。孕32周n +1超声提示胎儿心动过速242次/min、全身水肿、腹腔积液以及脐静脉腹内段血流呈现搏动频谱。孕妇口服地高辛46 h后胎心率仍未恢复,且脐静脉搏动频谱持续存在,水肿较前加重,胎儿病情持续恶化,孕32周n +3在超声引导下胎儿三角肌肌内注射西地兰成功将胎儿恢复心律。孕34周n +6因“胎膜早破、羊水过少”剖宫产分娩一活女婴,其心脏及各脏器功能正常。随访至生后8个月,患儿未见明显异常。n “,”We report the intrauterine treatment of a case of fetal persistent supraventricular tachycardia complicated by heart failure. The ultrasound findings at 32n +1 weeks of gestation showed fetal tachycardia of 242 beats/min, fetal generalized edema, ascites, and visible pulsation spectrum in the intra-abdominal segment of the umbilical vein. Fetal cardiac arrhythmia persisted after maternal oral digoxin for 46 hours. In view of the continuous deterioration of the fetal condition with the persistent umbilical vein pulsation spectrum and worsening edema, fetal intramuscular injection of cedilanid under ultrasound guidance was performed, resulting in successful cardioversion. The pregnant woman gave birth to a baby girl by cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes and oligohydramnios at 34n +6 weeks of gestation, with normal functions of heart and other organs. During a follow-up to 8 months, no obvious abnormalities were found.n