中国是龙的故乡,龙是中华民族的象征。龙自远古时代的原始社会,就以其独特神秘身态与中华民族紧密地生活了数千年。我们沿着祖先成长的历史作些回顾,就会系统地认识龙,了解龙的精神。 1921年在河南渑池仰韶村一带发掘的一只彩陶瓶,瓶身部位用色彩绘了一只张牙舞爪的蛇身龙纹饰,这可以说是目前我国发现最早的‘龙’纹饰了。这只陶龙纹饰彩陶瓶,是否是我国第一只龙纹陶瓶呢?我肯定还有这类龙纹饰系列的陶瓷器物,只不过尚未被发现或者没有保存下来而已。从这只陶龙纹饰来看,线条粗
China is the dragon’s hometown and the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese nation. Since the primitive society of the ancient times, the dragon has lived closely with the Chinese nation for thousands of years with its unique mystery. Looking back along the history of our ancestors’ growth, we systematically know the dragon and understand the spirit of the dragon. In 1921, a pottery bottle excavated in the area of Yangshao Village, Nianchi, Henan province was painted with a piece of snake bodywork draped in color on the bottle body. This can be said that the earliest “dragon” decoration in our country was found at present. This pottery dragon decorative colored pottery bottle, whether it is China’s first dragon pottery bottle? I am sure there are such a series of dragon decoration ceramic utensils, but have not yet been found or not preserved. From this Tao Long decoration point of view, thick lines