格里格·维勒最近是卫星通信界的名人,他不但启动了O3B这人类历史上第一个中圆轨道通信星座,还在努力打造One Web(下称“一网”)全球低轨道通信星座。这两个星座都着眼于全球互联网和移动通信网全覆盖。虽然他不是第一个这样想的人,也不是第一个动手去做的人,不过却可能是第一个成功的人。从计算机零件起家维勒是标准的美国人,他出生在波士顿,父亲是一位著名的保险诉讼律师,母亲则对他百般宠爱。维勒在
Grieg Weiler recently was a celebrity in the field of satellite communications. He not only started O3B, the first CMO constellation in human history, but also worked hard to create One Web (“Web”) global low Orbital constellation. Both constellations focus on the full coverage of the global Internet and mobile communications networks. Although he was not the first one to think so, he was not the first to do it, but he might be the first to succeed. Starting from computer parts Weiler is a standard American, he was born in Boston, his father is a well-known insurance litigation lawyer, his mother spoiled him. Ville in