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An increased wheat yield potential under changing environmental conditions is a challenge in agriculture. Resistant wheat lines can yield more than susceptible
【素材宝库】 袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的珍稀动物,以野草为食,虽然名字里带有一个“鼠”字,却并不像老鼠一样,有终生不断成长的锐利门牙,终其一生,袋鼠只有两对无法再生的臼齿。
Tea tortrix, Homona coffearia Nietner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a seasonal pest of tea in Sri Lanka. Though it is active in dry weather, it is observed tha
The Chinese citrus fly, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is the most destructive citrus pest in many citrus production areas in China. The p
To understand the mechanism of infestation of stored groundnut in farming areas, studies on the inventory and geographical distribution of Caryedon species were
Honey bee colonies in Peloponnesos, Greece, were sampled in spring 2014 to evaluate efficacy of Provigoro?, a natural water acidifier, against Nosema spp. Colon
Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) were carried out to assess the current situation of Onchocerciasis after repetition of annual community directed distribution of I
英语口语中经常用句型“How come(that)…?”提问,要求被问一方对某事作出解释。中文常译为“……是怎么回事?怎么会……的?”然而,对该句型的理解并非一致。归纳起来有如下
Cirina butyrospermi is the main lepidoptera whose larvae constitute one of the main sources of edible insect protein in human food and are consumed by many ethn