Methionine as a methyl donor regulates caste differentiation in the European honey bee(Apis mellifer
Nutrition contributes to honey bee caste differentiation,but the role of individual nutrients is still unclear.Most esse......
Within a honeybee population, due to polyandry, there are super-sister and half-sister relations, thus many sub-families......
标 题 可乐定经皮给药治疗轻中度原发性高血压的一年有效性和耐受性———一个多中心开放性研究作 者 抗高血压贴片的意大......
A novel peptide designated secapin-1,was purified and characterized from Apis mellifera.The molecular weight of 25 amino......
Giant Asian honeybee or Bambara stings causing myocardial infarction,bowel gangrene and fatal anaphy
The sting of Giant Asian honeybee(Apis dorsata) or Bambara in Sinhala and Kanmge Kulavi in Tamil is a common environment......
以已二醇为原料,经五步反应,合成了意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)性诱素,9-氧代-反-2-癸烯酸。在将炔醇氧化为炔醛时,采用了改进......
The Whole Pre-stressing Reinforcement Technology Directed by Conception Reinforcement and the Prospe
The paper puts forward a new thinking and thought in engineering structural reinforcement-“conception reinforcement”. ......
Nanoindentation Mechanical Properties and Structural Biomimetic Models of Three Species of Insects W
Mimicking insect flights were used to design and develop new engineering materials. Although extensive research was done......
Spiroplasma has been successfully isolated from the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and cultivated in R-2 medium in China. T......
本品为蜜蜂科昆虫中华蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricius或意大利峰Apis mellifera Linnaeus分泌的蜡。将蜂巢置水中加热,滤过,冷凝取蜡......
蜂螨(Varroa jacobsori oudemans)是蜜蜂的一种外寄生虫,最早是1904年在印度蜂(Apis ceran indica)上发现,到1960年左右,在我国各......
A、引言很多年以前,从调查两种主要的经济昆虫:家蚕(Bombyx mori L.)和蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)的疾病,就开始了昆虫病毒病的研究......
中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana,Fabricius,一七九三)分布遍及全国各地,适应环境能力极强,极少发生传染性疾病,工作勤奋,是亚洲的优良蜜蜂......
中蜂(Apis Cerana F.)囊状幼虫病自1971年在我国广东省首先发现后,迅速向北蔓延,病情十分严重,使我国中蜂生产蒙受了巨大的损失。......
广州地区西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera 受大蜂螨 Varroa jacobsoni、小蜂螨 Tropilaelapsclareae 的双重危害,蜂群一年四季都有大、小......
蜂毒系指蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)的工蜂螫刺敌害时其毒腺内所分泌的毒汁。国外用它治疗疾病的历史已很悠久,实践证明对某些疾病的疗......
Antibacterial activity of honey against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli,Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Objective:To ascertain the potential antibacterial activity of honey against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli(E.col......
蜜蜂毒(Apis mellifera)是经受千百年来长时期考验的天然药物。古今中外,人们对蜂毒医疗应用积累了丰富的经验,吸引着越来越多的......
印度的蜜蜂印度蜜蜂主要有三种:1,大蜂或蜂(Apis dorsata);2、小蜂(Apis florea);3 印度蜂(Apis mellifera indica)。印度蜂又可......
We report six different field trials testing the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae,an entomopathogenic fungus,against v......
Physico-chemical analysis and antimicrobial potential of Apis dorsata,Apis mellifera and Ziziphus ju
Objective:To evaluale physico-chemical properties and antimicrobial potential of indigenous honey samples against differ......
为揭示蝶蛹金小蜂Pteromalus puparum抑制寄主菜粉蝶Pieris rapae血细胞免疫反应的分子机制,克隆了菜粉蝶肌动蛋白、肌动蛋白解聚......
本试验用中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana Fab.)为糯米糍荔枝品种作授粉试验.结果表明,网内强化蜜蜂授粉处理和蜜蜂自由授粉处理的座果数分别......
The Formamidine Amitraz as a Hyperglycemic α-Agonist in Worker Honeybees(Apis mellifera mellifera L.
Intra-abdominal injection of amitraz(0.25 nmol per honeybee,i.e.,approx 2.3 nmol/g)toemerging worker bees,in vivo,led t......
美国紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)的种子生产主要在西部的加利福尼亚州、爱达荷州,内华达州、俄勒岗州和华盛顿州进行。加利福尼......
引言近年来美国油用向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)的面积已有所增加。1975年仅221,655公顷的油用向日葵获得了好收成。1980年增加......
本文记述了云南西双版纳地区砂仁传粉蜜蜂——野生中蜂(Apis cerana indica)的访花传粉行为、生物学习性等,并对其传粉效果进行了......
研究了Mercer山商用种植区蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)在海弗白三叶授粉中的作用。在接触这种植物的昆虫中蜜蜂占88%。蜜蜂和本地蜂(Lasio......
采用基于16 SrDNA的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)的方法,研究了转Btcry1Ac基因棉花SGK321对益虫——意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligusti......
The Influence of Bt-Transgenic Maize Pollen on the Bacterial Diversity in the Midgut of Chinese Hone
Using culture-independent technique polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and con......
甲酸和百里(香)酚二者分开使用和混合使用,用来与Apistan作治螨对比试验,以确定秋季治疗蜂螨的效果。当使用30ml 65%甲酸治螨时,蜂......