飞机亲吻加州大地时,我不由得吸了口气。这真的是热情奔放、粗犷自由的活力加州吗?没有热辣辣的阳光,欢声笑语的沙滩,皮肤晒成小麦色、穿着花裤衩的冲浪少年,只有那凉爽的雨点,清澈潮湿的空气,远远近近地缠绕的雾气,这是一个被淋湿的加州。真希望能赶紧放晴,要不我怎么能看清加州的底色,去解答心底的疑惑?葡萄酒在几千年的欧洲文化里已被演绎成雅致的细节,而生长于粗犷、快餐式文化的加州葡萄酒,究竟有着怎样的基因,为什么能这么快在世界崭露头角?雨中,跟随加州葡萄酒协会(California Wine Institute)的步伐,解惑之旅正式开始。
When the plane kissed the earth in California, I could not help but breathe. This is really passionate, wild and free California? No hot sunshine, laughter of the beach, sun tan skin color, wearing a pants of surfing teenager, only that cool rain, clear and humid air, far and near Near the ground winding mist, which is a wet California. I really hope to quickly clear, or how I can see the background of California to answer my doubts? Wine in thousands of years of European culture has been interpreted as elegant details, and grew up in the rough, fast food culture California wine, what kind of gene has, why can so quickly emerge in the world? Rain, follow the pace of the California Wine Institute (California Wine Institute), the puzzle began.