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针对飞机在起飞状态和着陆滑跑时对水泥混凝土道面结构产生较大的水平荷载,采用ANSYS软件建立足尺9块道面板三维有限元分析模型,研究了2种典型飞机起飞时轮载作用于6种荷载位置时道面结构的力学响应,并分析了着陆时水平力系数对道面结构响应的影响。结果表明:起飞时,2种机型对道面结构的应力峰值分别变化了0.12MPa和0.05MPa;道面板应力峰值与水平荷载呈线性变化,仅在单轮主起落架作用在荷位1时呈非线性关系;轮载作用于板中和纵缝板边时,水平荷载对道面板应力影响较小;轮载作用于板角和横缝中部时,道面板应力峰值同水平荷载方向有关。 Aiming at the large horizontal load of cement concrete pavement structure during take-off and landing, the three-dimensional finite element model of full-scale 9-panel pavement was established by ANSYS software and the wheel loading The mechanical response of pavement structure at six load locations was analyzed and the effect of horizontal force coefficient on pavement structure response was also analyzed. The results show that the stress peaks of pavement structures vary by 0.12MPa and 0.05MPa respectively at the time of takeoff and the peak stress of the pavement slab changes linearly with the horizontal load. Only when the single-wheel main landing gear acts on the load 1 When the wheel load acts on the slab angle and longitudinal seam edge, the horizontal load has a little effect on the slab stress. When the wheel load acts on the middle of the slab angle and transverse joint, the peak stress of the slab is related to the horizontal load direction.
我科自 1987~ 1998年共收治小儿伤寒病儿 5 6例 ,有并发症者 39例 ,多器官损害 2 2例 ,现将其临床表现分析如下。1 临床资料   5 6例均为伤寒确诊病例 ,所有病例均为血培养
目的用纯化的嵌合HCV中和抗原表位的HBV VLPs免疫Balb/c小鼠,测定小鼠血清中的中和抗体,并观察免疫血清对HCVpp和HCVcc感染Huh7.5的抑制作用。方法 500 ng纯化的嵌合病毒样颗
利用活化烧结技术研制出的Cu-Fe双层组合烧结同步器锥环,经检测和台架试车结果表明,其性能指标符合设计规范并满足使用要求,制造技术具有可行性。 The Cu-Fe double-layer sintered
N (1 Phenyl 2 hydroxyethyl) 2,3 naphthylenedicarboximide(1a) was obtained by the reaction of 2,3 naphthylenedicarbonitrile with R phenylglycin
摘要:植物保护专业校外实习教学质量的高低直接影响着植物保护专业学生实践能力的培养。通过对华中农业大学、湖南农业大学和河南农业大学三所农业院校植物保护专业校外实习教学开展的情况进行调查,分析影响植物保护专业校外实习教学质量的因素及校外实习教学存在的显著问题,并对相应的问题提出解决的建议。  关键词:植物保护专业 校外实习教学质量 影响因素  中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章
A comparison of the adsorption of benzoic acid and p-nitrobenzoic acid on the new hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent AM-1, with that by macroporous Amberlite