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随着科学技术的惊人发展,信息技术随之也快速起来,并对人们的生存方式和学习方式发挥了很大作用,给人们带来了海量的信息,尤其是对于学龄前儿童,这些海量信息给他们带来了非常大的新鲜感,并且对他们的行为很大程度地影响,因此,充分利用信息渠道,结合学前儿童特点,创新性地提出思路,可以对学前教育起到促进作用。 With the phenomenal development of science and technology, information technology has rapidly developed and has played a significant role in people’s way of life and learning methods, bringing massive information to people, especially for preschoolers Bring them a great deal of freshness and greatly influence their behavior. Therefore, making full use of information channels and combining the characteristics of preschool children with innovative ideas can play a role in promoting preschool education.
在外科急诊中,经常遇到酒后颅脑外伤的患者,由于酒精中毒与颅脑外伤相互混淆,不易明确诊断。近2年来,我们应用纳络酮进行鉴别,诊断准确率明显提高,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.