笔者从1968年以来,采用中药玉梅汤,先后治疗涤虫患者50例。均驱下完整涤虫,疗效迅速,最长时间三小时十五分钟,最短时间一小时三十六分钟,未见任何不良反应,现将药物及用法介绍如下: 玉梅汤组成:玉片60-120克(生槟榔打碎),乌梅10-30克(个大肉肥者佳),以上药物需根据患者体质情况而决定药物用量,两味药加水500毫升、文火煎至200-300毫升,服前酌情加入95%的酒精3-8ml,空腹一次服完。方中玉片、性味辛苦温,功能杀虫消积,行气利水,为治疗涤虫之主药,对涤虫的头部
Since 1968, the author used Chinese medicine jade plum soup to treat 50 cases of polyps. They both drove the complete polyester worms and the efficacy was rapid. The longest time was three hours and fifteen minutes, and the minimum time was one hour and thirty-six minutes. No adverse reactions were seen. Now the drugs and usage are described as follows: Yumei Tang composition: jade tablets 60 -120 grams (betel nut broken), 10-30 grams of ebony (a large meat fat is good), the above drugs need to determine the amount of drugs based on the patient’s physical condition, the two drugs plus 500 ml of water, slow fire to 200-300 ml, Before serving, add 95% alcohol 3-8ml as appropriate and serve on an empty stomach once. Fang Zhongyu tablets, spicy bitter taste, functional insecticidal elimination product, line qi water, for the treatment of polyester insects main drug, the head of polyester insects