
来源 :新课程导学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wowoni
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在一所中学的公开教学活动中,笔者听了一节物理课,课题为《重力》,现结合自己所看到的问题,谈一谈看法,提出一些建议,以期与同行商榷。教学过程:(1)引入新课。通过课本的图片提出问题:为什么河水总是往低处流?抛出的物体总是落向地面?(2)新课教学。①在上述问题的引导下得出重力的概念。②探究物体所受重力的大小与质量的关系,学生实验,得出结论和公式。③重力的方向。④重力势能。(3)课堂小结。(4)课堂练习。分析这个案例,在新课教学的第二板块学生参与率高,能体现学生的主体地位,其余的多以教师讲为主。这是新课程实施以来,常出现的课堂教学问题之一,即一方面照本宣科,依赖教材;另一方面“双基”丢失,脱离教材。用新课 In a public teaching activity in a middle school, the author listened to a physics class and the subject was “Gravity.” Now he combined his own problems, talked about the views, and made some suggestions to discuss with his peers. Teaching process: (1) Introduce new lessons. Ask the question through the picture of the textbook: Why does the river always flow down? The object thrown always falls to the ground? (2) Teaching in the new lesson. 1 The concept of gravity is derived from the above problems. 2 Explore the relationship between the size and quality of the gravity of an object, student experiments, and draw conclusions and formulas. 3 The direction of gravity. 4 Gravity potential energy. (3) class summary. (4) Class exercises. In the analysis of this case, the student participation rate is high in the second section of the new class, which reflects the student’s dominant position. The rest are mostly teachers. This is one of the frequently encountered problems in classroom teaching since the implementation of the new curriculum, that is, on the one hand, it is based on the textbook and on the basis of textbooks; on the other hand, “Dual Fundamentals” is lost and it is not included in the textbook. Use new lessons
据报道,澳洲最大独立煤矿开采公司,森特尼尔煤矿有限公司日前宣布,同意泰国万浦公司所提出的20亿美元(约为135.4亿元人民币)并购案。 It is reported that Australia’s lar
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“基于问题的学习”(problem-based learning,简称PBL)引入中学生物学科教学之后,引发了一场优化教学方式的革命。新课程提倡课程内容问题化,提倡学生在问题情境中分析问题、