1.用油门控制发动机的转速 有些拖拉机驾驶员将油门放到最大位置,以期提高发动机的转速和作业速度,这对轻负荷作业的拖拉机发动十分不利。例如,播种、平地运输、中耕以及排灌、加工等作业,由于机组作业编组中不能使拖拉机达到满负荷,此时提高油门会造成油耗增加,降低经济效益。而发动机在最高转速下运转还会加速发动机各摩擦面的磨损,使机件提前报废。正确的使用方法是:①合理编组,使拖拉机在满负荷状态下作业;②当无法实现满负荷作业时,则应变换档位,如采用高速档和中低油门下工作;③按上述操作仍不能
1. Control the engine speed with the throttle Some tractor drivers to the throttle to the maximum position, in order to improve the engine speed and operating speed, which light load operation tractor launched very unfavorable. For example, seeding, flatland transportation, cultivating and irrigation, processing and other operations, as the crew can not make the tractor full load operation, this time to raise the throttle will result in increased fuel consumption and reduce economic benefits. The engine running at the maximum speed will accelerate the wear of the friction surface of the engine, so that parts scrapped in advance. Correct use is: ① a reasonable grouping, so that the tractor at full load operation; ② When you can not achieve full load operation, you should change the gear, such as the use of high-speed gear and low throttle work; ③ According to the above operation is still Can not