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从2005年测土配方施肥被写入中央一号文件起,我国测土配方施肥技术的推广力度就在不断加大,目前该技术已经在全国各地开展。在此次出台的《科学施肥指导意见》中,也强调测土配方施肥是推进科学施肥的主要方式,要求在更大规模和更高层次上推广普及,到2015年,测土配方施肥技术推广面积达到农作物种植面积的60%以上,配方肥施用面积达到农作物种植面积的20%以上。那么,测土配方施肥技术推广多年来的效果如何?有哪些方面需要改进?带着这些问题,记者采访了业内相关专家。成效:测土配方让科学施肥理念深入民心 From 2005 soil testing and fertilizer formula was written on the central file, the soil testing and fertilizer technology to promote our efforts to continue to increase, at present the technology has been carried out throughout the country. In the “Guidance on Scientific Fertilization” issued here, it is also emphasized that soil testing and formulated fertilization is the main way to promote scientific fertilization and requires popularization and popularization on a larger scale and at a higher level. By 2015, the technology of soil testing and formula fertilizer application The area has reached more than 60% of the crop planting area, and the application area of ​​the compound fertilizer has reached more than 20% of the crop planting area. So, soil testing and fertilizer technology to promote the effectiveness of how the promotion over the years? What areas need to be improved? With these problems, the reporter interviewed industry experts. Results: Soil testing formula for scientific concept of fertilization deep into the people
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Drug-metabolizing enzymes,also known as cytochrome P450s,are a superfamily of hemoglobin responsible for metabolizing more than 90% clinical drugs.Cytochrome P4
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未来5~8年是我国经济转型的关键时期。经济转型对进一步理顺政府与市场关系的需求明显增大。扩大内需、拉动消费,形成以内需为支撑的7%~8%中速增长新格局,关键是改变政府主导型的经济增长方式。新阶段全面推进改革开放,重要的是理顺政府与市场关系,加强顶层设计,形成切实可行的路线图、时间表。  形成公平可持续的市场经济体制  今年以来,面对经济下行的压力,新一届中央政府采取了不刺激的政策,为调整经济结构、