In this paper, 43 patients with MDS were divided into two groups according to FAB criteria: (1) refractory anemia without primordial cells (RAWEB, primitive cells <5%) in 29 cases; (2) refractory anemia accompanied by primitive cells Too much (RAEB, primitive cells ≥ 5%) in 14 cases. In the RAWEB group, there were 1 case of myeloid atrophic myeloid leukemia (NLD), 6 cases of single cell line dysplasia (SLD), 10 cases of two cell line hyperplasia (BLD) and 12 cases of 3 cell line dysplasia TLD); all RAEB groups are TLDs. 9 (31%) died in the RAWEB group and 9 (64%) died in the RAEB group. Three of the deaths were RAWEB (33% of deaths), and 9 of RAEB (100% of deaths) eventually died of acute leukemia (ANLL) or myelofibrosis (BMF).