《乒乓世界》:这次卡塔尔团体赛,男队一共打了7场比赛,你打了6场,所有重要的场次都派你上场了,7场单打全胜。所以看你在领奖台上笑得特别开心,与大阪世乒赛男团领奖时表情完全不一样,是不是因为你觉得这次是靠自己的努力拿了冠军。 王励勤:我已经第三次参加世乒赛团体比赛了,前两次半决赛和决赛我都没有上场,觉得特别遗感,可能当时教练觉得其他队员上场更有把握一些。平时我和教练也进行了沟通,和国梁谈得比较多,包括对这次比赛的认识和看法,怎
“Pingpong World”: This Qatar team competition, the men’s team played a total of 7 games, you played 6 games, all the important games are sent to you, 7 singles victory. So seeing you laugh happily on the podium is completely different from when you accepted the World Table Tennis Championships in Osaka, because you think you took the championship this time. Wang Liqin: I have participated in the World Championships for the third time the team competition, the first two semi-finals and finals I have not played, I feel particularly insidious, coach may feel that other players play more certain. I usually communicate with the coach, and Guo Liang talked more, including the understanding of the game and view how