我们从1984年至1988年试用雷佛奴耳合剂保留灌肠治疗急性菌痢40例与同一时期用庆大霉素加痢特灵或氯霉素、磺胺相比疗效显著.现报告如下: 一、诊断与治疗标准:按《医疗护理技术操作常规》有关规定。二、临床资料:治疗组为雷佛奴耳合剂灌肠的病例40人.平均年龄21.5岁。病程1~15天,平均3.5天。每天脓血便10~20次。对照组:为同一时期采用庆大霉素加痢特灵或磺胺、氯霉素治疗的病例40人,平均年龄19.9岁。病程1~10天,平均3.43天。每天脓血便10~15天。两组均有体温升高,乏力纳差等中毒症状。三、治疗方法:患者取左侧卧位,用雷佛奴耳粉剂8毫克/kg体重,10%水合氯醛0.3ml/kg体重,0.192%颠茄剂0.3ml/kg体重加入水温38℃生理盐水100~200毫升摇匀灌肠保留2至3小时以上。每日一次,7岁以下小儿可将灌肠液中的解痉剂、镇静剂改为口服。必要时肌注其他解痉、镇静药,灌肠期间不用其他抗生素,有脱水者补液治疗。四、治疗结果:灌肠组体温,中毒症状,腹泻、里
We from 1984 to 1988 Trial Lever Slap ear mixture retention enema treatment of 40 cases of acute dysentery during the same period with gentamicin plus furazolidone or chloramphenicol, sulfonamide compared significant effect .Report as follows: First, Diagnosis and treatment standards: According to the “medical care technology routine” the relevant provisions. Second, the clinical data: The treatment group Leifu Contiole enema enema cases of 40. The average age of 21.5 years old. Course of 1 to 15 days, an average of 3.5 days. Pus and blood every day 10 to 20 times. Control group: for the same period using gentamicin plus furazolidone or sulfonamides, chloramphenicol treatment of 40 patients, the average age of 19.9 years. Duration of 1 to 10 days, an average of 3.43 days. Pus and blood every day for 10 to 15 days. Both groups have increased body temperature, fatigue, anorexia and other symptoms of poisoning. Third, the treatment: patients take the left lateral position, with Leveronel powder 8 mg / kg body weight, 10% chloral hydrate 0.3ml / kg body weight, 0.192% belladonna 0.3ml / kg body weight water temperature 38 ℃ added Physiology Saline 100 ~ 200 ml Shake enemas for more than 2 to 3 hours. Once a day, children under 7 years old can be enema in the spasm agent, sedatives changed to oral. If necessary, intramuscular other antispasmodic, sedatives, enema without other antibiotics, dehydration rehydration therapy. Fourth, the treatment results: enema group body temperature, symptoms of poisoning, diarrhea, in