高黎贡山是世界生物多样性的关键地区,1992年被 WWF 列为具有国际重要意义的 A级保护区,总面积12.45万 hm~2,自然保护区建立15年来进行了卓有成效的工作。主要探索:将自然保护工作纳入政府任期目标责任制;完善管理机构;落实面积,核权发证;注重依法办事。提高执法水平,严惩犯罪;强化社区公众自然保护意识,在开展社区扶贫活动中引导社区参与保护;成立农民生物多样性保护协会;科教兴区。
The Gaoligongshan Mountain is a key area of biodiversity in the world. In 1992, it was listed by the WWF as a Class A nature reserve of international importance with a total area of 124,500 hm 2. The Nature Reserve has been fruitful for 15 years since its establishment. The main exploration: the nature protection work into the government responsibility system of the target period; improve the management agencies; implementation area, nuclear certification; pay attention to act in accordance with the law. Improve the level of law enforcement and severely punish crimes; strengthen the awareness of community public nature protection, guide community participation and protection in carrying out community-based poverty alleviation activities; set up Peasants Biodiversity Conservation Association;